{{B}}Text{{/B}} The Spring Festival is{{U}} (9) {{/U}}. As a tradition, people are{{U}} (10) {{/U}}to have something new to use or wear, {{U}} (11) {{/U}}children, no matter they are rich or poor. Therefore, you can see many families going shopping on the streets. And, interestingly enough, you may notice that men’ s shopping style is different{{U}} (12) {{/U}}that of women. Let’ s look at men’ s clothes shops: A man comes into a shop, has a{{U}} (13) {{/U}}at the whole shop and goes to his{{U}} (14) {{/U}}area. He has a{{U}} (15) {{/U}}look of the colors and begins to ask the shop assistant for the fight size. He tries it on, {{U}} (16) {{/U}}his arms or kicking his{{U}} (17) {{/U}}to check if it is{{U}} (18) {{/U}}enough. The clothing{{U}} (19) A. to B. against C. in D. from [单选题]对于图上面积50~lOOm㎡,使用求积仪以外的方法,对同一图形两次量算面积较差与其面积之比小于 ( )
A.1/20 B.1/30 C.1/50 D.1/100 [单选题]安全生产工作应当以人为本,坚持人民至上、生命至上,把保护人民生命安全摆在首位,坚持安全第一、预防为主、综合治理的方针,从源头上防范化解重大安全风险。()
A.树牢安全发展理念 B.树立安全发展思想 C.提高安全发展意识 [判断题]封闭式高压配电设备进线电源侧应装设带电显示装置,出线线路侧可不装设。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]室内小气候的组成因素不包括
A. 气流 B. 气湿 C. 气温 D. 热辐射 E. 空气离子 [单项选择]酒炙法的目的是()
A. 引药上行 B. 引药入肝 C. 引药下行 D. 增强和胃止呕作用 E. 增强补脾益气作用 [简答题]含硫化氢的站队必须至少配备2台---、4套空气呼吸器。
A. 植物、病原、环境条件 B. 寄主植物、病原、环境条件 C. 植物、非生物性病原、环境条件 D. 寄主植物、非生物性病原、环境条件 [单项选择]以下哪项操作不能关闭Word应用程序()。
A. 双击标题栏左边的“W”图标 B. 单击标题栏右上角的“关闭”按钮 C. 单击文件选项卡中的“关闭”命令 D. 单击文件选项卡中的“退出”命令 [判断题]采矿权人开采完毕注销采矿许可证后,应当缴清采矿权出让收益。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]采用()方式送达的,交通执法人员应当制作《送达回证》。
A. 直接送达 B. 留置送达 C. 转交送达 [单项选择]美国风湿病协会将RA关节功能障碍分为()
A. Ⅴ级 B. Ⅲ级 C. Ⅱ级 D. Ⅰ级 E. Ⅳ级 [单项选择]企业( )在劳务已经提供,同时收讫价款或取得价款的凭证时确认为营业收入的实现。
A. 必须 B. 应该 C. 应当 D. 需要 [判断题]消防员在强噪音环境下,应配备使用保护耳塞、耳罩。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]动车组一级检修时,长编(16 辆编组)可由4个作业小组实施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]结脑前驱期患儿的主要临床表现是
A.性情改变 B.嗜睡 C.头痛 D.喷射性呕吐 E.昏迷 [简答题]向封锁区间发出救援列车时,列车进入封锁区间的行车凭证是什么? J374
[单选题]一股钢轨起道时,一次作业起道量超过( )时,应事先通知供电部门调查确认接触网设备调整工作量并配合作业。
A.7mm B.8mm C.9mm D.10mm [单项选择]War has escaped the battlefield and now can, with modern guidance systems on missiles, touch virtually every square yard of the earth’s surface. War has also lost most of its utility in achieving the traditional goals of conflict. Control of territory carries with it the obligation to provide subject peoples certain administrative, health, education, and other social services. Such obligations far outweigh the benefits of control. If the ruled population is ethnically or racially different from the rulers, tensions and chronic unrest often exist which further reduce the benefits and increase the costs of domination. Large populations no longer necessarily enhance state power and, in the absence of high levels of economic development, can impose severe burdens on food supply, jobs, and the broad range of services expected of modern governments. The noneconomic security reasons for the control of territory have been progressively undermined by the advances of modern technology. The benef
A. possibility of material gain B. total annihilation of the enemy and destruction of enemy territory C. potential for increasing the security of the nation D. desire to capture productive farming lands [单选题]中共二大提出了党的民主革命纲领表明( )
A.党的宗旨发生了变化 B.党在实践中走向成熟 C.党在不断修正自己的错误 D.党对中国国情的认识加深 [单选题]颅内动脉瘤破裂后造成脑缺血的重要原因是( )
A.动脉痉挛 B.动眼神经麻痹 C.梗阻性脑积水 D.感染 [判断题]阿里云EDAS控制台监控数据无显示,其可能原因为阿里云EDAS agent状态异常
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列不属于小车无动作原因的是( )
A.鞍梁保护 B.小车通道门限位不到位 C.终点限位动作 D.超载 [填空题]启动时发现水泵电流大且超过(),应立即停泵检查。
[单项选择]评级机构对保险公司( )的评价是保险信用评级的本质。
A. 偿付能力 B. 盈利能力 C. 财务实力和经营稳定性 D. 资金规模 [多选题]中软CTT2000 L/M系统主处理机板主要由( )板件组成。
A.A、MPA B.B、DTP C.C、MPB D.D、DSP 我来回答: 提交