Increasingly, over the past ten years,
people—especially young people—have become aware of the need to change their
eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed food,
is not good for the health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in
natural foods. Foods which do not contain chemical additives (添加剂) and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today. (79) {{U}}Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic (有机的) matter. {{/U}}In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which A. people need sugar to give them energy B. sugar is bad for the health C. the use of sugar is habit forming D. sugar only sweetens food, but provides us with nothing useful [单项选择]就钻井生产的污染物而言,NaOH、CaCO3、KOH、NaCl等物质可能引起()。
A. 地下水或地表水pH发生变化 B. 土壤板结 C. 牲畜中毒 D. 地下水或地表水的含盐量发生剧变 [单选题]“不似天涯,卷起杨花似雪花”出自____代苏轼的《减字木兰花·立春》。
A.唐 B.宋 C.元 D.明 [单选题]流感嗜血杆菌常用的培养基是
A.血平板 B.巧克力培养基 C.BCYE培养基 D.TCBS培养基 E.罗氏培养基 [单选题]调车作业推送车辆时,要先( )。
A.试拉 B.拉风 C.防风 D.摘管 [填空题] The word laser stands for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation". To many people lasers are very (36) ___________, but a laser is simply a (37) ___________that produces a very strong light. The light from a laser is called (38) ___________ light because it is light that moves in only one direction. In contrast, incoherent light, like the light form the sun or a light , (39) ___________, moves away from its (40)___________in all directions and (41) ___________in a narrow beam.
As soon as the laser was developed, scientists began thinking of practical (42)___________for it. One of the earliest uses was to make extremely (43)___________measurements of distance and speed. As time passed, many more applications for the laser were developed.
(44)______________________________. From laser printers to technology by which whole encyclopedias of information can be stored on a laser disk (called a CD-ROM) and read by a computer, lasers are revolutionizing computer
A. 左冠状动脉前降支 B. 左冠状动脉回旋支 C. 右冠状动脉 D. 左冠状动脉主干 E. 右冠状动脉后降支 [单项选择]承载ces业务的接口模式为()
A. 一层 B. 二层 C. 三层 D. 都可以 [单项选择]治疗下元虚冷,肾不纳气之虚喘的药物是()。
A. 佛手 B. 沉香 C. 乌药 D. 川楝子 E. 青木香 [判断题] 金属材料按其组成成分,一般可以分为纯金属与合金两大类。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]( )( )低温铺设无缝线路时,为提高锁定轨温,采用钢轨张拉锁定。
A. PC机声卡的采样频率不大于44.1kHz B. 通过PC机声卡可以进行声音录制 C. 通过PC机声卡可以进行MIDI声音输入 D. 波形声音、MIDI音乐等都可通过声卡的混音器进行混音和音效处理后输出 [单项选择]GNG CTL AUTO位是()
A. CVR地面自动超控 B. 倒出CVR自动倒出语音通话数据 C. 使CVR,DFDR和QAR按逻辑接通 [多选题]民法上的孳息分为( )
A.财产孳息 B.天然孳息 C.人身孳息 D.法定孳息 [单选题]除作业工组(或专人)外,其他人员()撤除防护信号。
A.有权 B.可以 C.无权 D.随意 [单选题]肝硬化患者内分泌功能异常主要是
A.雄激素增多 B.雌激素增多 C.肾上腺皮质激素增多 D.雌激素减少 E.甲状腺激素减少 [单项选择]起重机不要随便()平衡重或减少变幅钢丝绳;
A. 拆卸 B. 增加 C. 保持不变 D. 起重机械检验技术 我来回答: 提交