Passage 2 Term loans are designed to fund long-and-medium-term business investments, such as the purchase of equipment or the construction of physical facilities, covering a period longer than one year. Usually the borrowing firm applies for a lump-sum loan based on the budgeted cost of its proposed project and then pledges to meet the scheduled repayment in a series of installments (often payments are made every quarter or even monthly). Thus, term loans look to the flow of future earnings of the business firm to amortize and retire the credit. The schedule of installment payments is usually structured with the borrower’s normal cycle of cash inflows and outflows firmly in mind. For example, there may be ’blind spots’ built into the repayment schedule, so there will be no installment payments due at those times of the year when the A. the purchase of inventory B. the purchase of equipment covering a period over one year C. the purchase of building materials D. securities dealers to purchase new securities [单项选择]Job letters and resumes must attract the attention of busy readers, who may spend only 60 seconds deciding whether to consider you further. This article gives you the tools to write a successful letter and resume. "Successful," of course, means a letter and resume that will get you an interview. After that, your interpersonal skills will help you land the job. The letter and resume only aim to get you to the next step--the personal interview.
Most job letters and resumes still get sent through the mail. However, a growing number of applicants (申请人) use the Internet to apply for jobs. For example, on-line services can place resumes into a bank used by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of companies. The resumes will be scanned with the use of software, which searches for key words that reflect abilities needed for specific jobs and then sends selected resumes to companies. Whether you use on-line techniques like e-mail and resume services or stick with the traditional approach A. The job letter should be longer than one page. B. The resume should be longer than two pages. C. The resume should be simple, specific and neat. D. The job letter should include the details of all the background. [单项选择]陈某,女,48岁。因胸闷痛反复发作2年,近1周来加重,现胸闷如窒,气短喘促,肢体沉重,痰多,形体肥胖,苔浊腻,脉滑。其治法为()
A. 辛温通阳,开痹散寒 B. 理气活血,通络止痛 C. 通阳泄浊,豁痰开结 D. 清热化痰,理气止痛 E. 补益心脾,通阳止痛 [单项选择]黄瘤病的病理描述正确的是()
A. 病变主要在真皮,可见散在幼稚纤维细胞呈条索状排列 B. 真皮血管周围有淋巴细胞,嗜酸性粒细胞浸润 C. 真皮可见泡沫细胞,多核的Touton细胞 D. 真皮深层和皮下组织可有钙质沉积 E. 角化过度,颗粒性呈局灶性楔形增厚 [多选题]根据Q/GDW1373—2013登录系统的所有操作员都要经过授权,进行(____)认证,根据授权权限使用规定的系统功能和操作范围。
A. 身份 B. 权限 C. 用户 D. 密码 [单选题]企业重组区分不同条件分别适用一般性税务处理规定和特殊性税务处理规定。其中,适用特殊性税务处理规定的企业重组,重组交易对价中非股权支付金额不得高于交易支付总额的( )。
A.15% B.25% C.75% D.85% [单选题]10千伏及以下三相供电的电压允许偏差为()。
A.+5%,-5% B.+5%,-7% C.+7%,-7% [单项选择]《稻草人》中“我”寻找真诚的眼泪是在()找到的。
A. 草屋 B. 摇篮或母亲怀里 C. 戏院的舞台上 D. 车站码头 [单项选择]日光灯两端发黑,光通量明显下降,产生的该故障可能是()。
A. 灯管衰老 B. 起辉器衰老 C. 环境温度偏高 D. 电压过低 [多项选择]邓小平关于社会主义市场经济理论的内涵包括( )
A. 市场经济是资源配置的一种方式 B. 市场经济不具有社会制度的属性 C. 市场调节可以与计划调节相结合,可与公有制相结合 D. 市场经济更有利于促进生产力的发展 [单项选择]以下对于阀门作用的叙述()是错误的。
A. 阀门是用来控制流体流量的 B. 阀门是用来降低流体压力的 C. 阀门是用来调节介质温度的 D. 阀门是用来改变流体流动方向的 [多选题]当煤矿井下存在老空积水区时,根据调查资料,在采掘工程平面图上要标出( )。
A.积水范围 B.积水时间 C.积水标高 D.积水量 [单项选择]下述哪项不是先天性卵巢发育不全的主要临床特征( )
A. 颈蹼 B. 后发际低 C. 盾形胸 D. 青春期无性征发育 E. 硬腭窄小,张口伸舌,流涎多 [单选题]《普速线路修理规则》规定钢轨肥边( )采用等离子设备进行切割要求。
A.不得 B.可以 C.无所谓 [单项选择]某施工企业签订了一项总价为5000万元的施工合同,合同约定工期3年,合同预计总成本为4500万元,第1年实际发生合同成本1500万元,第2年实际发生成本1420万元,其中有300万元材料尚未安装,则第2年合同完工进度为( )。
A. 64.89% B. 58.22% C. 30% D. 71.55% [单选题]()将工作零线和保护零线连在一起的不符合安全要求。
A.单相单极插座内 B.两相三极插座内 C.三相三极插座内 D.单相三极插座内 [单选题]101、装设接地线应(),拆除接地线的顺序与此相反。[单选题]
A.A、先接母线侧、后接负荷侧 B.B、先接负荷侧、后接母线侧 C.C、先接导体端、后接接地端; D.D、先接接地端、后接导体端 我来回答: 提交