For over 350 years men have used
telescopes to find out more about the stars and planets. Our knowledge of the
stars has increased very greatly since Galileo, the famous Italian scientist,
made the first telescope in 1609. Men have used telescopes to study the moon’s
surface—its craters (环形山), mountains and plains. Now men have recently
built bigger and more powerful telescopes. They have discovered new groups of
stars. Modem telescopes have shown us that certain stars are not single at all;
they are groups of millions of stars. The largest telescope in the world has a mirror which is 200 inches wide. It is at Mount Palomar in America and it has shown us millions of new stars. The light from these stars has taken a million years tO reach the earth. |
{{B}}Find Yourself Packing It On Blame
Friends{{/B}} Obesity can spread from person to person, much like a virus, researchers are reporting today. When one person gains weight, close friends tend to gain weight, too. Their study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, involved a detailed analysis of a large social network of 12,067 people who had been closely followed for 32 years, from 1971 to 2003. The investigators knew who was friends with whom as well as who was a spouse or sibling or neighbor, and they knew how much each person weighed at various times over three decades. That let them reconstruct what happened over the years as individuals became obese. Did their friends also become obese Did family members Or neighbors The A. Friends usually spend a lot of time together. B. Friends share similar eating habits. C. Friends are more important than family members. D. Friends affected each others’ feelings of fatness. [单选题]电气设备、线路等着火时,可用()扑救。
A.A棉纱 B.干粉灭火器 C.水 [判断题]如果没有现成的止血带,可以使用橡皮带、粗布条、
皮带等替代,但不可使用电线、铁丝等,以免造成皮肤的损 伤。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车按机车信号的显示运行。当接近地面信号机时,司机应确认地面信号。遇地面信号与机车信号显示不一致时,司机应立即采取停车措施
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在一个电气连接部分内,同时只允许 且在一项设备上进行高压试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]资本化率是一种将房地产的预期收益转化为价值的比率,但它并不能明确表示房地产未来各期的获利能力。( )
A. 旋片式 B. 往复式 C. 回转式 [单选题]列车机车与第一辆车的连挂,由( )负责
A.调车作业人员 B. 机车乘务员 C.车站值班员 [判断题]举高车类别归属专用汽车,其代号规定为6。(中)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]正压式空气呼吸器,一般供气时间为( )左右,主要用于应急救援或在危险性较高的作业环境内短时间作业使用。
A.A.30 min B.B.40 min C.C. 50 min D.D.60 min [单选题]ONAF代表( ),OFWF代表( )。
A.自然循环自冷,强迫油循环风冷 B.自然循环风冷,强迫油循环水冷 C.自然循环风冷,强迫油循环风冷 D.自然循环风冷,强迫油循环风冷 [填空题]The (manage) ______ of a company is a very important part of the working process to its development.
A.正常 B.睡眠 C.只收不付 D.不收不付 [多选题]泌尿系结石病人饮食指导正确的是
A.饮食中宜清淡、低蛋白、低脂肪为主 B.高蛋白富含营养饮食 C.少食含草酸、钙高的食品,禁食含胆固醇高 D.可以饮浓茶,咖啡 我来回答: 提交