It was a little weird at first, Erin
Tobin said, seeing Harry Potter right there on the stage without his pants, or
indeed any of his clothes. Not actually Harry Potter, of course, since he is fictional, but the next best thing: Daniel Radcliffe. who plays him in the movies. Now 17. Mr. Radcliffe has cast off his wand. his broomstick and everything else to appear in the West End revival of Peter Shaffer’s "Equus." He stars as Alan Strang, a disturbed young man who, in a distinctly un-Harry-Potterish moment of frenzied psychosexual madness, blinds six horses with a hoof pick. To make it clear what audiences are in for, at least in part, photographs of Mr. Radcliffe’s buff torso, stripped almost to the groin, have been used to advertise the production. It is as jarring as if, say, Anne Hathaway suddenly announc A. rescued B. freed C. cleared D. extracted [单选题]建设工程在施工过程中,分项工程交接多、中间产品多、隐蔽工程多,说明工程质量具有( )特点的。
A.影响因素多 B.质量波动大 C.质量的隐蔽性 D.产品的多样性 [单选题]节流管汇上的节流阀,平时应处于( )工况。
A.半开 B.全开 C.常闭 D.任意 [判断题]因机构更名导致会计专用印章停用的,印章保管人员应在停用当日办理印章停用手续,将停用的印章及时上缴。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]要提高系统的电压水平,最根本有效的措施是()
A. 增加发电机容量 B. 减小无功负荷 C. 投入充足的无功电源 D. 调节变压器电压分接头 [单项选择]根据《规划环境影响评价条例》,有( )情形时,审查小组应当提出对环境影响报告书进行修改并重新审查的意见。
A. 环境影响评价结论不明确、不合理或者错误的 B. 评价程序处理不当的 C. 附录对公众意见采纳与不采纳情况及其理由的说明不完全的 D. 防止不良环境影响的对策和措施存在缺陷的 [单项选择]患者男性,41岁。周身水肿伴有腹水。检查发现尿蛋白(+++),24小时尿蛋白>3.5g,合并高脂血症,血浆清蛋白32g/L,诊断为肾病综合征。肾病综合征时可出现()。
A. 尿蛋白阴性 B. 血浆总蛋白正常 C. 血浆清蛋白降低(<30g/L) D. 血浆γ球蛋白相对升高 E. 肾小球滤过功能正常 我来回答: 提交