Shirley Allen loved to sing and play
the piano. She studied music in college. Her dream was to become a (21)
or singer. Everything (22) when she was 20 years old. She became sick with typhoid fever and almost died. Doctors gave her (23) to help her get well, but the medicine (24) her to become totally deaf. She could no longer (25) the music which she had always loved. Shirley would never give (26) playing the piano, but she did decide to change (27) . She transferred to Gallaudet University and studied English. In 1966 Shirley (28) from Gallaudet and looked for a A. security B. traffic C. library D. dorm [单项选择]
It has been a hundred years since the last big one in California, the 1906 San Francisco earth quake, which helped give (1) to modem earthquake science. A century later, we have a highly successful (2) , called plate tectonics, that explains why 1906-type earthquakes happen--along with why continents drift, mountains rise, and volcanoes (3) the Pacific Rim. Plate tectonics may be one of the (4) triumphs of the human mind, geology’s (5) to biology’s theory of evolution. And yet scientists still can’t say when an earthquake will happen. They can’t even come (6) . [多选题]根据任务、所处条件和装备器材数量,按照( )、节能的要求,设置相应装备器材场区。
A.实用 B.安全 C.坚固 D.环保 [单项选择]建筑防火的主动技术不包括()。
A. 火灾探测技术 B. 自动灭火技术 C. 烟气控制技术 D. 材料防火技术 [填空题]正线及试车线采用 ( )钢轨,( )道岔。
[判断题]2.74 申请解除抵押登记的,由抵押权人提出申请
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]吊件离开地面约100mm时暂停起吊并进行检查,确认正常后方可继续起吊。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]被处罚当事人必须亲自参加行政处罚听证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]心肌炎急性期能确诊的检查是
A. 心肌活检 B. 血清检查 C. 心电图检查 D. 超声心动图检查 E. 心肌放射性核素显像法 [简答题][问题2][简答题]
[单项选择]根据不同培训对象的时间需求,培训划分为( )三类的。
A. 长期培训、短期培训和不定期培训、 B. 集中个别培训、特殊培训 C. 长期培训、短期培训和分期培训 D. 特殊培训、集中培训和不定期培训 我来回答: 提交