Some time between digesting Christmas
dinner and putting your head back down to work, spare a thought or two for the
cranberry. It is, of course, a (1) of Christmas: merry bright
red, bittersweetly delicious with turkey and the very devil to get out of the
tablecloth (2) spilled. But the cranberry is also a symbol of
the modern food industry-and in the tale of its (3) from
colonial curiosity to business-school case study (4) a deeper
understanding of the opportunities and (5) of modern
eating. The fastest growing part of today’s cranberry market is for cranberries that do not taste like cranberries. Ocean Spray’s "flavoured fruit pieces" (FFPS, to the trade) taste like orange, cherry, raspberry or any (6) of other fruits. They are in fact cranberries. Why make a cranberry taste like an orange Mostly bec A. delicious B. dubious C. durable D. deliberate [多选题]C-1003塔塔顶气相线采出不去( )
A.E-1002 B.E-1003 C.E-1009 D.E-1001 [多选题]组织翻越板障训练时,参训人员必须戴头盔,并应对( )进行防护。
A.肘关节 B.膝关节 C.颈关节 D.胸部 [判断题]电工特种作业人员应当具备高中或相当于高中以上文化程度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]肺循环和体循环的
A.收缩压相同 B.脉压相同 C.外周阻力相同 D.大动脉可扩张性相同 E.每搏输出量相同 [单选题]安全带的使用期为( )年,若发现异常应提前报废。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]有关单位要制定绝缘工具的专门保管制度和( )措施,并按要求定期进行试验。
A.防尘 B.防潮 C.防火 D.防水 E.略 [判断题]在检查火灾探测器时,火灾探测器表面应无影响探测功能的障碍物,如感温原件表面涂覆涂料,点型感烟探测器烟气通道被涂料、胶带纸、防尘罩等堵塞。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]CR400AF动车组为应对突发状况,在车辆内部界面设置了紧急制动操作设施,主要分为( )。
A.乘客紧急报警装置 B.乘务员室紧急制动拉闸 C.卫生间紧急按钮 D.监控室紧急制动拉闸 我来回答: 提交