People do not analyze every problem
they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had
a similar problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people.
Other times they begin to act without thinking; they try to find a solution by
trial and error. However, when all these methods fail, the person with a problem
has to start analyzing. There are six stages in analyzing a problem. First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot read it to class as he usually does. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle. Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the ge A. recognize and define the problem B. look for information to make the problem clearer C. have suggestions for a possible solution D. find a solution by trial or mistake [判断题]变压器额定频率、空载损耗、空载电流、额定电压等属于设备台账的运行属性。
[多选题] 变压器主要由()组成。
A. 铁芯 B. 绕组 C. 分接开关 D. 绝缘套管 [单选题]生产矿井应当每()修编矿井地质报告。
A.6年 B.3年 C.10年 D.5年 [多项选择]套期保值者通常是()。
A. 货物的生产商 B. 货物的加工商 C. 货物的贸易商 D. 货物的运输商 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司电子客票客运组织应急预案》中列车收到车站电子客票应急情况通报后,通过站车无线交互终端查验车票并进行()操作。
A.核验 B.补验 C.补票 D.补检 [填空题]手太阴肺经起于_________,于_________交手阳明大肠经。
[单选题] 触电急救,在医务人员( )前,不得放弃现场抢救,更不能只根据没有呼吸或脉搏的表现,擅自判定伤员死亡,放弃抢救。
A. 未到达 B. 未接替救治 C. 作出死亡诊断 D. 判断呼吸或脉搏表现 [多选题]对个人储蓄存款,商业银行有权拒绝任何单位或者个人(),但法律另有规定的除外
A.查询 B.冻结 C.扣划 D.其他 [单项选择]下列行为没有违法的是( )。
A. 某公司根据自身资金需要,吸收社会公众存款 B. 收买他人信用卡信息资料 C. 银行工作人员为不符合条件的社会公益组织出具资信证明 D. 银行根据客户的指示,运用客户资金进行债券投资 我来回答: 提交