Problems of the Elderly{{/B}} Gerontologists (老年人问题学者) study how old people are treated within a society and how the elderly deal with the inevitable problems of aging, particularly those involving health and income. Health problems include normal losses in hearing, eyesight, and memory, and the increased possibility of chronic(慢性的)diseases. These losses are gradual and proceed at different rates for each individual. In general, the health of old people today is better than that of earlier generation — a condition that is likely to improve Still further as more people receive better medical care throught their lives. Because most old people are no longer in the labor force, a steady source of income is necessary. Systems of pensions and benefits are characteristic of indust A. They often show high spirits. B. They often display satisfaction with life. C. They feel sad and lonely. D. They often display feelings of self-worth. [判断题]在三相半波可控整流电路中,自然换相点为晶闸管可以被触发导通的最早时刻,既控制角α=0°。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 银行从人民银行发行库(包括相互取现)支取其他银行交存的带有“已清分”标识的钱捆和人民银行钞票处理中心清分后的钱捆可不重复清分,直接对外支付。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]针对群体烟草干预措施,请回答以下问题
4诱使青少年吸烟的主要因素是( ) A.广告效应 B.对成人吸烟的模仿 C.社交需求 D.烟草的易获得性 E.环境的影响 [单项选择]治疗淋病正虚毒恋证的主方是:()
A. 龙胆泻肝汤 B. 知柏地黄丸 C. 萆解渗湿汤 D. 革解化毒汤 E. 清营汤 [多选题] 依据 《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)第6.5.5.3条规定:某500kV线路停电检修,工作许可人张三应核实( ) 等所有调度负责的安全措施后,方能许可工作
A.线路可能来电的各方面都已停电 B.合上(装设)接地刀闸(接地线) C.作业人员已全部到位 D.工器具已经准备齐全 [单选题]营业网点在为开户单位办理现金付出业务时,应按照()原则,对不同金额的大额现金支取业务采取分级审批权限,严禁越级审批。
A.风险可控 B.重要性 C.谨慎性 D.及时性 [判断题]内部资料性出版物所设的有关机构,不具有法人资格。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当机车主变压器温度过高,自动降弓,实施故障保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
某城市面积为500平方千米,拥有公共交通营运车辆1600辆,公交线路120条,线路总长2400千米,公交线路 重合系数是1.6,随着居民出行景的增加,公交公司决定采取调整公交车辆运行作业计划,增投运力,优化 行车间隔时间等措施,以满足不断增长的公交客运需求。 公共交通线网长度为()千米A. 1400 B. 1500 C. 2000 D. 2100 E. 2940 [填空题]新课程标准从内容上看,关注学生的(),精选的基础知识和技能。
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