When lab rats sleep, their brains revisit the maze they navigated during the day, according to a new study (1) yesterday, offering some of the strongest evidence (2) that animals do indeed dream. Experiments with sleeping rats found that cells in the animals’ brains fire in a distinctive pattern (3) the pattern that occurs when they are (4) and trying to learn their way around a maze.
Based on the results, the researchers concluded the rats were dreaming about the maze, (5) reviewing what they had learned while awake to (6) the memories.
Researchers have long known that animals go (7) the same types of sleep phases that people do, including rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, which is when people dream. But (8) the occasional twitching, growling or barking that any dog owner has (9) in his or her sleeping pet, there’s been (10) direct evidence that animals (11)
A. reviewing
B. analyzing
C. decoding
D. stressing
M: Susan, I could really need your help this weekend.
W: What is it, John Another term paper
M: No, no. This is easy compared to that. My cousin is coming on Thursday. She has an interview at the college and I promised my aunt that I’ll look after her. We are going to the game on Friday, but Saturday I’m on duty at the library all day and can’t get out of it. Uh, I was wondering if you could show her around during the day and maybe we can all meet for dinner later.
W: Sure. I don’t have any plans. What kind of things does she like to do
M: Actually I haven’t seen her for three years. She lives so far away. But this will be her first time on a college campus, she is still in high school. So she probably enjoys anything on campus.
W: Well, there is a music festival in the auditorium. That’s a possibility. Only I hope it doesn’t snow.
M: Well, I’ll plan on dropping her off at your place o
A. A university student.
B. A primary school student.
C. A high school student.
D. An adult.
Banks{{/B}} {{U}} (29) {{/U}}the end of May 1995, China has 15 commercial banks, the International Business{{U}} (30) {{/U}}. Eight of these are{{U}} (31) {{/U}}nationwide. They are: the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of China, the People’s Construction Bank of China, the Communications Bank, the CITIC Industrial Bank, the China Everbright Bank and the Huaxia Bank. There are six{{U}} (32) {{/U}}shareholding banks. They are: the Merchant’s Bank, the Guandong Development Bank, the Shenzhen Development Ban [单选题]( )负责项目合格供应商的供方调查工作、主要调查供应商供应类型、产品质量、供货能力、合同履约能力等、并对供方资料进行整理做出初步评定、填写“供方评定表”。
A.物资管库员岗 B.采购管理岗 C.机械管理员岗 物资设备部部长 [单项选择]南朝刘宋时期,刘道真任钱唐县令期间撰成的()成为余杭方志编纂的发端。
A. 《临安志》 B. 《钱唐县记》 C. 《余杭县记》 [单选题]明知自己患有梅毒、淋病等严重性病卖淫、嫖娼的,()。
A.以卖淫、嫖娼行为从重处罚 B.以传播性病罪追究刑事责任 C.予以收容教育 D.给予治安管理处罚并收容教育 [多选题]下列公安民警使用催泪警械情形中,正确的是()。
A.根据现场情况要求现场无关人员躲避 B.选择上风向站位从侧面向违法犯罪行为人喷射催泪剂 C.选择下风向站位直接向违法犯罪行为人喷射催泪剂 D.选择上风向站位直接向违法犯罪行为人喷射催泪剂 [多项选择]下列单据中属于原始凭证的有()。
A. 收料单 B. 领料单 C. 借款单 D. 发票 E. 对账单 [简答题]简述《普通高中体育与健康课程标准(实验)》课程教学评价的内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]零件图上标注( )尺寸应从小到大标注,小尺寸标注在里面,大尺寸标注在外面。
A.等值 B.垂直 C.交叉 D.平行 [单项选择]综合评价的基本方法是( )。
A. 投资估算法 B. 层次分析法 C. 加权平均法 D. 德尔菲法 [简答题] 改进型新产品
[填空题]HXDl、HXD2型机车中间直流电路中二次滤波( )器置于主变流器柜中。
A.三丝鱼卷 B.牛肉卷 C.兰花肉卷 D.如意虾卷 E.卷筒鳜鱼 [单选题]内蒙古电力营销采控系统中,和采集点相对应的设备是( )。
[1分] A.终端 B.电能表 C.互感器 D.计量箱 [多选题]以下物业入住期的资料档案收集中,属于业主(或物业使用人)个人档案资料的有( )。
A.身份证 B.户口本复印件 C.联系方式 D.购房合同 [简答题] 中国新民主主义革命胜利的标志是什么?
[单选题]833.允许速度160≥Vmax>120km/h正线,轨道动态质量容许偏差管理值,三角坑II级偏差管理值为( )mm。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.9 [单项选择]某地区海拔800m左右,35kV配电系统采用中性点不接地系统,35kV配电设备相对地雷电冲击耐受电压的取值应为( )。
A. 95kV B. 118kV C. 185kV D. 215kV [单项选择]缺铁性贫血患者的实验室检查是()
A. 血清铁蛋白降低,总铁结合力降低 B. 血清铁蛋白降低,总铁结合力正常 C. 血清铁蛋白降低,总铁结合力增高 D. 血清铁蛋白正常,总铁结合力降低 E. 血清铁蛋白降低,总铁结合力降低 [判断题]现场防护员监管范围不得大于20m。站内道岔作业,做到1组道岔1人防护。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]车站站台区域轨行区有异物侵限,以下为站务员/站台岗行动指引的是:( )。
A.发现轨行区有物体侵限时,若初步判断暂不影响行车安全,则报车控室;若目视可能影响行车安全时,立即按压紧急停车按钮,并报车控室; B.若乘客携带的物体掉下轨道时,车站还要做好乘客安抚工作,防止乘客擅自采取行动; C.按值站安排做好相关防护及处置相关工作; D.交由专业人员处置时,做好现场监护,发现异常及时采取紧急措施。 E.按规定做好乘客引导相关工作。 [判断题] [多选题]登杆塔时,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.A-禁止携带器材登杆 B.B-可携带少量器材在杆塔上移位 C.C-可以利用拉线、绳索上下杆 D.D-禁止顺杆下滑 [单选题]一个2μF与一个4μF的电容器并联,其等效电容为( )。
A.2μF B.3μF C.5μF D.6μF [单选题]痰浊闭阻所致胸痹,其治法是( )。
A.祛痰降逆,理气宣痹 B.燥湿化痰,理气通络 C.豁痰理气,化瘀通络 D.通阳泄浊,豁痰宣痹 [单选题]患者,男性,22岁,3天前受凉后出现高热,体温最高达39℃,伴咳嗽、咳痰,为黄色黏痰,初步诊断为“肺炎”。为进一步明确致病菌,医嘱留取痰标本进行细菌培养。护士在进行痰标本留取时,正确的做法是(2011简考)( )2-54
A.随机留取一口痰液 B.嘱患者用力咳出深部痰液 C.痰标本置于无盖容器方便检测 D.痰标本静置3小时后送检 我来回答: 提交