(本题8分) 原告张某现年65岁,家住某市A区,系丧偶独居老人。张某膝下有三子,分别是张甲、张乙和张丙,均已成家,各自居住在该市B区、C区和D区。2010年10月,张某为索要赡养费,向张甲所在B区人民法院提起诉讼,要求三个儿子承担赡养义务,B区人民法院以该院对此案无管辖权为由,裁定不予受理,并建议张某向被告张乙住所地C区人民法院或张丙住所地D区人民法院起诉。 问:
B区人民法院的裁定正确吗?为什么? If you’re worried about your weight,
healthy eating and exercising may help ease your worries. To begin with, being
more active is important for keeping your weight in check. Choose an activity
that makes you breathe hard and sweat a bit. Discover some great activities you
can do by yourself, with a friend, or with a big bunch of people. There are fun
ideas for every situation—you don’t need to join a teem to be active! Doctors usually don’t recommend cutting back on the amount of food you eat, although your doctor may suggest better food choices, such as choosing foods with less fat and sugar in them. Because you are still growing, you need to keep eating and you also need to choose your foods wisely. You can talk with your family and get everybody involved in eating better foods and exercising A. Because it reminds you of your weight. B. Because it can get rid of your worries. C. Because it is a good way to test your weight. D. Because it helps you control your weight. [简答题]特种作业种类主要包括哪些(至少列举五项)?
[多项选择]关于白细胞,正确的叙述是( )
A. 正常人外周血内白细胞数明显少于红细胞 B. 显微镜下,根据白细胞的形态特征将其分为三类 C. 它可以通过不同方式消灭入侵的病原体 D. 它可以消除过敏原 E. 它可以携带氧气 [单选题]防爆方位灯在晴朗夜空下( )米内肉眼可视。
A.600 B.2500 C.4800 D.8000 [单项选择]受()的影响,个体记住的,往往是对他有意义的或者是以前知道的东西。
A. 印象 B. 遗忘曲线 C. 图式 D. 自我意识 [单选题](48064)计算曲线外轨超高值时,一般采用( )的整倍数。(1.0分)
A.10mm B.5mm C.2.5 mm [单选题]健康成年人体液分布最多的是
A.血液 B.脑脊液 C.组织间液 D.细胞内液 E.淋巴液 [判断题]攀登有覆冰、积雪、积霜、雨水的杆塔时,应采取防滑措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]触电急救中,当采用胸外按压进行急救时,要以均匀速度进行,每分钟()左右,每次按压和放松时间要相等。
A.80次 B.100次 C.120次 D.85次 [单选题]䈈9】10kV配电线路使用的金具组装前,其外观应( )。 ( )
A. 镀锌良好、无锌皮脱落现象,锈蚀运行轻微锈蚀 B. 镀锌良好、无锌皮脱落、锈蚀现象,允许有个别气泡 C. 镀锌良好、无锌皮脱落、锈蚀现象,允许有个别砂眼 D. 镀锌良好、无锌皮脱落、锈蚀现象 [多选题]电务设备“三不离”制度不包括( )。
A.工作完了,不彻底试验良好不离 B.影响正常使用的设备缺点未修好前不离 C.事故原因不清不离 D.发现设备有异状时,未查清原因不离 [单项选择]The author's attitude toward Sophocles's statement is ______.
A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. not mentioned [判断题]锅炉给水控制系统采用单冲量和三冲量两种控制方式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]臂丛神经牵拉试验主要用于检查()
A. 颈椎结核 B. 环枢椎半脱位 C. 颈椎病 D. 肩关节脱位 E. 颈椎骨折 [判断题]1.63.第63题
整组试验的方法,即由电流及电压端子通入与故障情况相符的模拟故障量,检查保护回路及整定值的正确。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]绿色植物在不同的高度出现不同的种类、数量的现象是由于降水在垂直方向上沿高度而变化的规律引起的。( )
A. ±0.5%、±0.5% B. ±0.5%、±1% C. ±0.2%、±0.5% D. ±0.2%、±1% [简答题] As researchers learn more about how children’’s intelligence develops, they are increasingly surprised by the power of parents. The power of the school has been replaced by the home. To begin with, all the factors which are part of intelligence-the child’’s understanding of language learning patterns curiosity-are established well before the child enters school at the age of six. Study after study has shown that even after school begins, children’’s achievements have been far more influenced by parents than by teachers. This is particularly true about learning that is language-related. The school rather than the home is given credit for variations in achievement in subjects such as science.
In view of their power it’’s sad to see so many parents hot making the most of their child’’s intelligence. Until recently parents had been warned by educators who asked them not to educate their children. Many teachers now realize that children cannot be educated only at school and parents
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交