Like other forms of life on this
planet, human beings face a basic task: to deal satisfactorily with their
conflicts and thereby secure the advantages of community and cooperation. Unlike
other forms of life, human beings are born with a capacity to reflect on this
task and to search for better solutions by conscious thought and careful
choices. The task of overcoming conflicts and achieving community life and
cooperation arises because human beings are unable and unwilling to live in
complete isolation. The advantages of cooperation and community life are so
numerous and so obvious that they must have been evident to man from earliest
times. By now, our ancestors have closed off the choice; for most of us the
choice of total isolation from a community is, realistically speaking, no longer
open. Nevertheless A. human beings by their nature will always conflict with each other B. James Madison made many thoughtful comments about human beings as social animals C. our need for fellowship and the advantages of cooperation create communities D. humans have not yet been able to achieve complete harmony and to live without conflict [单项选择]下列可作为犬的采血方法的是
A. 尾尖采血 B. 股动脉采血 C. 断头采血 D. 颈动脉采血 E. 足静脉采血 [单项选择]原子弹和核电站的根本区别是()
A. 原子弹利用核裂变,核电站利用核聚变 B. 原子弹利用核聚变,核电站利用核裂变 C. 原子弹对裂变的链式反应不加控制,核电站控制裂变的链式反应速度 D. 原子弹对聚变的链式反应不加控制,核电站控制聚变的链式反应速度 [单项选择]钢材中,锰元素含量增加,可明显提高其( )
A. 强度 B. 冷脆性 C. 塑性 D. 韧性 [多选题]被害人王某向县公安机关控告刘某强奸,公安机关立案侦查后,认为刘某的行为不构成犯罪,依法撤销了该案。后王某向人民法院起诉,人民法院受理了该案,人民法院公开审理了该案,该案中哪些做法符合刑事诉讼法规定的程序?
A.公安机关撤销该案 B.人民法院受理该案 C.王某向人民法院起诉 D.人民法院公开审理此案 [多选题]安检员对某高速客船进行安检时查该轮的航行日志得知该轮近期曾执行夜航航班进一步检查后安检员可判定该轮存在的缺陷有( )
A..《高速客船操作安全证书》已经消除了“禁止夜航”的限制 B.. 该轮的夜视仪正常 C.. 该轮夜航的通令对话录音模糊 D.. 该轮驾驶台正后方通往客舱的门没有设置遮光帘 [单选题](61573)特制红丹酚醛底漆的附着力应( )。(1.0分)
A.≥1 B.≥2 C.≥3 D.≥4 [简答题]第1前磨牙
[单选题]民事法律行为成立的要件是( )。
A.事实行为 B.意思表示 C.法律行为 D.侵权行为 [多选题]在运用马克思主义普遍原理来解决中国革命实践中的问题方面,我们党内出现过的主要错误倾向有( )。
A.经验主义 B.教条主义 C.冒险主义 D.主观主义 [单项选择]柯克帕特里克的四个层次培训评估模型的第二层是______。
A. 反应层次评估 B. 行为层次评估 C. 学习层次评估 D. 结果层次评估 我来回答: 提交