In the jungle (丛林) you may get hopelessly lost within five minutes after starting. That is (36) you should always carry a compass (指南针). In open country, during the day, you can (37) which way to go by studying the (38) . At night, the stars are sure (39) to direction. In most places the jungle rooftop (顶) is so (40) that it is (41) to see the sun or the stars. (42) you must check your position by the (43) . Keep watchful (注意的,警惕的). Watch the ground in front of you carefully. (44) and listen now and a gain. Avoid (45) , and rest often. In a place (46) is hot and damp, the person who walks fast will soon become (47) . A steady (稳定的), slow step is wisest in the long run. If you (48) your way, don’t be scared (恐惧的). Try to (49) how long it has been (50) you were sure of your position. Make a mark (51) you are on a tree. Put the marks on (52) of the trees, so t
A. on which
B. that
C. in the place
D. where
A land free from destruction, plus
wealth, natural resources, and labor supply—all these were important factors, in
helping England to become the center for the Industrial
Revolution. (31) they were not enough. Something else was needed to start the industrial process. That "something special" was men— (32) individuals who could invent machines, find new sources of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society. The men who (33) the machines of the Industrial Revolution came from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were (34) inventors than scientists. A man who is a pure scientist is primarily interested in doing his research (35) . He is not necessarily working so that his findings can be used. An inventor or one interested in applied science is (36) trying to m A. generating B. effective C. motivation D. creative [单项选择]甲会计师事务所指派注册会计师王某和李某为乙上市公司股票发行进行审计并出具审计报告,根据规定,王某和李某不得买卖该公司股票的期限为( )。
A. 自甲会计师事务所接受乙上市公司委托之日起至审计报告公开后5日内: B. 自甲会计师事务所接受乙上市公司委托之日起至审计报告公开后10日内; C. 自股票承销期内和期满后1个月内; D. 自股票承销期内和期满后6个月内; [单选题]下列指标中,反映发展能力比率的是( )。
A.总资产报酬率 B.应收账款周转率 C.速动比率 D.销售(营业)增长率 [判断题]领导人思想观念的转变是政府职能转变的关键。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]旅客列车包括动车组列车、()、()、()等。
A.特快旅客列车 B.快速旅客列车 C.普通旅客列车 D.普旅客列车 [单选题]结构化程序设计主要强调( )
A.程序的规模 B.程序的易读性 C.程序的执行效率 D.程序的可移植性 [多项选择]我国建筑安全生产法律体系在实现保障安全生产,最终实现保障人民生命财产安全促进国民经济发展的国家重要职能方面的作用体现在()
A. 为保护建筑从业者的安全与健康提供法律保障 B. 为建筑活动各方责任主体的安全生产行为提供法律依据 C. 为政府主管部门依法加强安全生产监管提供法律依据 D. 为社会有关方面重视安全生产提供法律氛尉 E. 为实现和谐社会保驾护航 [判断题]在集控站,司机等相关人员应向车站值班员报告有关行车工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 处理量为100万吨/年的焦化装置,年产焦炭为30万吨/年,则焦炭的收率为( )%。
A.3 B.6 C.30 D.焦炭产量/处理量 [多选题]如果运维班区域内发生具有破坏性的地震,下列()说法是正确的。
A.运维人员尽快对变电站进行全面巡查 B.运维人员和带电设备保持安全距离 C.运维人员在室外注意远离高大建筑物 D.运维人员应注意就近在屋角躲避 [单项选择]在我国慢性胰腺炎的主要原因是
A. 慢性酒精中毒 B. 胆石症 C. 遗传因素 D. 甲状旁腺功能亢进 E. 高脂血症 [判断题]商业银行应按照不低于其他贷款种类的频率和标准对并购贷款进行风险分类和计提拨备
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]推动社会主义社会向前发展的基本动力是阶级斗争( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不按工作票要求布置安全措施,工作负责人应负()
A.主要责任 B.次要责任 C.直接责任 D.连带责任 [单项选择]下述不属于概念模型应具备的性质是
A. 有丰富的语义表达能力 B. 易于交流和理解 C. 易于变动 D. 在计算机中实现的效率高 [单项选择]男性,50岁,皮肤黄染2周,伴有消化道症状,右上腹胀痛。体格检查:明显黄疸,腹水征(-),血糖正常。
术后5天,患者出现腹胀、腹痛,恶心、呕吐,肛门停止排气、排便,考虑为 A. 胆瘘 B. 粘连性肠梗阻 C. 胆道出血 D. 结石来取净 E. 坠积性肺炎 [多项选择]商用房贷款贷前调查内容包括()。
A. 材料一致性 B. 借款人身份 C. 借款人经济状况的调查 D. 贷款用途及相关合同、协议的调查 E. 担保情况的调查 我来回答: 提交