Artificial Speech Because speech is the most convenient form of communication, in the future we want essentially natural conversations with computers. The primary point of contact will be a simple device that will act as our window into the world. It will have to be small enough to slip into pour pocket, so there will be a screen but no keyboard: you will simply talk to it. The device will be permanently connected to the Internet and will beep relevant information up to you as it comes in. Such devices will evolve naturally in the next five to ten years. Just how quickly people will adapt to a voice-based Internet world is uncertain. Many believe that, initially at least, we will need similar conventions [单选题] [T]BE005 3 1 3
串级调节系统中,主、副参数要求都较高时,主、副调节器的调节规律应选( )。 A.主调节器PI、副调节器PI B.主调节器PI或PID.副调节器P C.主调节器PI、副调节器P D.主调节器P、副调节器PI [多选题]扑救高层建筑火灾采用垂直铺设水带方式供水,必需考虑( )。(中)
A.消防车最大供水高度 B.消防车停放位置 C.水带耐压性能 D.水带连接强度 [单选题]码头一代破碎机,每台有一组定刀、一组动刀 破碎粒度: ( ) CM
A.4 B.5 C.6 [单选题]下列机车能源利用率最高的是( )。
A.蒸汽机车 B.内燃机车 C.电力机车 D.都一样 [填空题]对不符合法规、政策和制度的支出,财政、民政和银行的财会人员有权()或(),必要时可向上级或有关部门如实反映。
[单选题]货物列车列尾装置尾部主机的安装与摘解,由( )人员负责。J254
A.车辆部门 B.车务部门 C.机务部门 [单项选择]25T客车检修规程规定对于可编程控制器(PLC)检修规定:供电后()
A. 绿色PWR灯亮,橙色RUN灯亮,红色ERR灯灭 B. 绿色PWR灯灭,橙色RUN灯亮,红色ERR灯灭 C. 绿色PWR灯灭,橙色RUN灯灭,红色ERR灯灭 D. 绿色PWR灯亮,橙色RUN灯亮,红色ERR灯亮 [单项选择]()是比较典型的复合式中央银行制度;其央行为联邦储备体系。
A. 英国 B. 美国 C. 欧洲 D. 德国 [单选题]GTS-60C试块轨底有3处月牙型横向裂纹,其深度分别为( )㎜。
A.2、4、6 B.2、4、8 C.2、4、5 D.2、3、5 [填空题]公司在推销部分带4的手机号码时,有意识赋予号码一定的寓意,如将尾数“1314”寓意成“一生一世”,这是在吸引购买行为类型偏向于()的消费者购买。
[单选题]工艺安全信息管理规范中采购部门主要职责为( )
A.要求供应商提供技术文件,并提供给项目管理单位 B.组织对施工单位的培训 C.招投标 D.供应商选择 [判断题]一般来说越高等的生物基因组会越大一点,但是也不是完全成正比。
[填空题] There are two factors which determine an individual’’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born 【B1】 . Human brains differ considerably, 【B2】 being more capable than others. 【B3】 no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has 【B4】 to learn. SO the second factor is what 【B5】 to the individual--the sort of environment in which he is brought 【B6】 . If an individual is handicapped (受阻得) 【B7】 , it is likely that his brain will 【B8】 to develop and he will never 【B9】 the level of intelligence of which he is 【B10】
The importance of environment in determining an individual’’s intelligence can be 【B11】 by the case history of the 【B12】 twins, Peter arid John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in 【B13】 fostered (寄养的) homes. Peter was 【B14】 by parents of low intelligence in an 【B15】 community with poor educational opportunities. John,
A. A.equivalent B.parallel C.similar D.identical [判断题]禁止氧气瓶与油脂接触,是为防止油脂发生自燃和引起氧气瓶的着火爆炸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]正常月经周期以28日为例,月经周期第20~23日称为()
A. 增殖期晚期 B. 分泌期早期 C. 分泌期中期 D. 分泌期晚期 E. 月经中期 我来回答: 提交