The Academy Awards, especially known as the Oscars, are the oldest, best known, and most famous of film awards. They have been presented every year (the first in May of 1929) by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences(AMPAS) based in Beverly Hills, California, and founded in 1927. Price water house (now Price water house Coopers) has managed the Academy Awards voting process (评审程序) since 1935---all but the first six years of the Oscars. Ever since 1941, when their now-famous secret envelope system was introduced, marking the first year of complete secrecy, "the Envelope Phrase" has become a familiar phrase that evokes the thought of the Academy Awards ceremony (典礼).
Except for the early years of the institution, the awards honored films made during the past year. Until 1954, the Oscars were presented mostly on a Thursday evening. From 1955 to 1958, they were presented on a Wednesday. From 1959 until 1998 the Oscars were, with a few exceptions (例外
A. why and when the Oscars were presented
B. the history and development of the Academy Awards
C. the great effect of the Oscars throughout the world
D. how the Academy presents the Academy Awards
The secrets of sleep were a mystery for
centuries simply because there was neither the means{{U}} (51)
{{/U}}them, nor the need. Only when candles gave way{{U}} (52)
{{/U}}gaslight, and gas to electricity, when man became able to{{U}}
(53) {{/U}}night into day, and double his output by working shifts
round the clock, did people seriously start wondering{{U}} (54)
{{/U}}sleep could possibly be a waste of time. Our ability to switch night
into day is very recent, and it is {{U}}(55) {{/U}}if we will ever{{U}}
(56) {{/U}}want, or be able to give up our habit of{{U}} (57)
{{/U}}a good night’s sleep.{{U}} (58) {{/U}}, a remarkable research
project in London has already discovered a few people who actually enjoy
insomnia. Even chronic insomniacs often get hours more sleep.{{U}} (59 A. so many B. so much C. too many D. too much [单选题]重特大突发事件,不论是自然灾害还是责任事故,其中都不同程度存在()不落实、隐患排查治理不彻底、法规标准不健全、安全监管执法不严格、监管体制机制不完善、安全基础薄弱、应急救援能力不强等问题。
A.主体责任 B.责任 C.责任人处罚 D.隐患整改 [多选题] 下列处罚中属于行政处罚范畴的是()
A. 马某横穿马路,受到交警部门协勤人员的警告 B. 李某驾驶大型货车不按交通信号行驶,受到交警部门罚款200元的处罚 C. 某网吧因消防安全问题,受到消防部门责令停业整顿的处罚 D. 某造纸厂因污染环境事故,受到环保部门责令限期治理的处罚 [单选题]个人理财产品质押贷款的期限最长为( )年。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.1 我来回答: 提交