The first moving-picture theater was
probably the work of Harry Davis, Pittsburgh’s most prosperous showman. In 1904,
he rented a storefront, filled the room with chairs, gaily decorated the
exterior, and advertised the{{U}} (67) {{/U}}of a "nickelodeon". It was
a(n){{U}} (68) {{/U}}success. Although Davis was the first one to use the name nickelodeon,{{U}} (69) {{/U}}experiments were taking place in other parts of the country.{{U}} (70) {{/U}}the country, vaudeville (杂耍) managers, traveling exhibitors, and show businessmen{{U}} (71) {{/U}}their jobs to set up their own nickel picture{{U}} (72) {{/U}}. There was a great deal of money{{U}} (73) {{/U}}in the business, but nickelodeon owners had to work hard to{{U}} (74) {{/U}}their product. They could not afford to advertise{{U}} (75) {{/U}}in the papers, but they could and{{U} A. made B. to be made C. making D. make [单选题]协定存款协议的期限最长不超过( )年。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.五 [判断题]2.530.第530题
绕线式三相异步电动机起动时,应将起动变阻器接入转子回路中,然后合上定子绕组电源的断路器。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 防水工程质量评定等级分为( )。
A.优良、合格、不合格 B.优良、合格 C.合格、不合格 D.优良、不合格 [单选题]一自由电子从B流向A,则导体中电流的方向为()。
A. B到A B. A到B C. 无法判断 D. 无电流运动 [单选题]依据《评标委员会和评标方法暂行规定》,下列关于评标报告说法不正确的( )。
A.评标报告由评标委员会全体成员签字。 B.对评标结论持有异议的评标委员会成员可以书面方式阐述其不同意见和理由。 C.评标委员会成员拒绝在评标报告上签字且不陈述其不同意见和理由的,视为同意评标结论。 D.评标委员会应将评标过程中使用的文件、表格以及其他资料在评标后即时归还招标人。同时向主管部门提交书面评标报告。 [单选题]乘车人数通知单的作用是( )。(客值中 )
A.车站统计各次列车上车人数 B.列车填记旅客密度表的依据 C.车站考核日计划兑换率,检查售票检票执行旅客运输运送日计划情况的依据 D.以上都包括 [单项选择]下列化合物中,在大肠杆菌多肽链生物合成的延长阶段提供能量的是()。
A. UTP B. CTP C. GTP D. TTP [单项选择]{{B}}第二篇{{/B}}