The United States (56) a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are Canada (57) the north, (58) Mexico to the south. (59) the United States is a big country, it’ s not the largest in the world. In 1964 its (60) was over 185,000,000.
When this land first became a nation, after (61) independence from England, it had thirteen states, (62) of the states was represented on the American flag by a (63) . All the states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew towards the west, new states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew towards the west, new states were added and new stars (64) on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 states. In 1959, however, two (65) stars were added to the flag (66) the new states (67) Alaska and Hawaii.
Sometimes (68) is said that the Indians are the only real Americans. Most American
A. these
B. those
C. the one
D. that
With Airbus’s giant A380 airliner about in to take
to the skies, you might think planes could not get much bigger — and you would
be right. For a given design, it turns {{U}} (21) {{/U}}, there comes a
point where the wings become too heavy to generate {{U}} (22) {{/U}} lift
to carry their own weight. {{U}} (23) {{/U}} a new way of designing and
making materials could {{U}} (24) {{/U}} that problem. Two engineers
{{U}} (25) {{/U}} University College London have devised an innovative
way to customise and control the {{U}} (26) {{/U}} of a material
throughout its three-dimensional structure. In the {{U}} (27) {{/U}} of a wing, this would make possible a material that is dense, strong an A. novel B. strange C. odd D. peculiar [单选题]腓利牛排选用的是() ,粗细均匀肉质最嫩。适宜煎、扒、炭烤等。
A.里脊头段 B.里脊中段 C.里脊末段 D.里脊全段 [单选题]81以下关于师生关系的说法中,不正确的是()。
A.教育教学是师生双边活动的过程 B.师生在人格上具有平等性 C.师生关系是一种特殊的朋友关系,双方可以自由选择 D.师生关系制约着师生之间的全面合作 [判断题]可编程控制器编程及运行模式的选择,与编程器的状态选择开关以及PC基本单元的运行(RUN) 、停止(STOP)模式有关。
[单选题]关于基金销售机构的职责规范,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.基金募集申请获证监会核准前,基金销售机构可向公众开展预约销售活动 B.基金销售结算资金应放置于基金销售结算专用账户中 C.经审慎选择,基金销售机构可委托其他机构代为办理基金的销售业务 D.基金销售机构在自身流动性不足时可临时借用基金销售结算资金 [单项选择]研究药物制剂在工业生产中的基本理论、工艺技术、生产设备和质量管理的科学()
A. 工业药剂学 B. 生物药剂学 C. 药用高分子材料学 D. 临床药剂学 E. 药剂学 [判断题]500kV和220kV侧电压互感器二次开口角每相额定电压为100/3V。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]高强度螺栓施拧时,应注意哪些事项?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]附着式升降脚手架提升高度在()m及以上的应进行专家论证。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200 [单项选择]运用价值工程进行成本控制时,应确定()的项目作为价值改进对象,制定改进措施。
A. 价值系数小于1 B. 价值系数等于1 C. 价值系数大于1 D. 价值系数等于0 [单选题]全党必须把坚持党的( )贯穿于执行党的基本路线全过程
A.政治路线 B.理论路线 C.思想路线 D.组织路线 [单选题]进口设备增值税额的计税基数为( )。
A.离岸价×人民币外汇牌价+进口关税+消费税 B.离岸价×人民币外汇牌价+进口关税+外贸手续费 C.到岸价×人民币外汇牌价+外贸手续费+银行财务费 D.到岸价×人民币外汇牌价+进口关税+消费税 [单选题]违反《建筑施工企业安全许可证管理规定》,建筑施工企业未取得安全生产许可证擅自从事建筑施工活动的,责令其在建项目停止施工,没收违法所得,并处( )的罚款。
A.5万元以上l0万元以下 B.10万元以上50万元以下 C.10万元以上30万元以下 D.50万元以上l00万元以下 [单项选择]肾综合征出血热的病原体是()
A. 炭疽芽胞杆菌 B. 溶脲脲原体 C. 柯萨奇B组病毒 D. 伯氏疏螺旋体 E. 汉坦病毒 [多选题](2019年)关于社会工作研究方法的说法,正确的有( )。
A.实验研究中,研究者必须要采用标准实验设计方法 B.结构式访问中,研究者事先只需设计初步访问大纲 C.个案研究中,注重资料收集、整理和分析同步进行 D.问卷调查中,需将研究概念操作化,并细化为具体指标 E.行动研究中,强调研究者与被研究者之间的伙伴式工作关系 我来回答: 提交