对一路信号进行FSK调制时,若载波频率为fc,调制后的信号频率分别为f1和f2 (f1<f2),则三者的关系是 (1) 。当对多路信号进行调制时,调制后各信号的频谱 (2) 。信号到达接收端后通过 (3) 分离各路信号。WDM与FDM工作方式相似,但WDM调制的是 (4) 。ILD是 (5) 使用的设备。
2() Many theories concerning the causes of
juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the
individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories
{{U}} (31) {{/U}} on the individual suggest that children engage in
criminal behavior {{U}} (32) {{/U}} they were not sufficiently penalized
for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through
{{U}} (33) {{/U}} with others. Theories focusing on the role of society
suggest that children commit crimes in {{U}} (34) {{/U}} to their failure
to rise above their socioeconomic status, {{U}} (35) {{/U}}as a rejection
of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, {{U}} (36) {{/U}} the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes A. immune B. resistant C. sensitive D. subject [单选题]终到前,双班乘务的提前<___>双班作业,全面清扫擦拭,达到不带垃圾、污水、粪便。( )
A.20min B.30min C.40min D.60min [简答题]路由策略过滤工具有哪几种?
A. 警告区 B. 缓冲区 C. 工作区 D. 上游过渡区 [多项选择]彩色铅笔表现的基本技法是()。
A. 排线法 B. 叠彩法 C. 渲染法 D. 退晕法 E. 线描法 [多选题]动车组试运行分为( )。
A.新造试运行 B.高级修试运行 C.临修试运行 D.一级修试运行 [简答题]餐饮业有哪些发展趋势?
A--An E-mail Account B--Web Site Design [多选题]吊运易燃易爆的气瓶时,要做到()。
A.旋紧瓶帽 B.竖直堆放 C.防止撞击气瓶阀门 D.妥善固定·防止滚动 [单选题]根据《职业病防治法》,劳动者离开用人单位时, 索要本人职业健康监护档案的,用人单位( )提供。
A.有偿 B.无偿 C.不得 我来回答: 提交