I am standing under Hammersmith Bridge looking at
something I have known all my life as a Londoner but am beginning to realise
that I don’t have a clue about. The River Thames has been here a lot longer than
the city itself, but it has been keeping its secrets well hidden beneath those
familiar muddy tones of green and brown. On a grey afternoon such as this one,
the surface of the river is particularly unforgiving, and a tentative dip soon
brings me close to fast-running water. This is the sort of stuff that carries
people away to a watery doom and I don’t want any part of that. But I’m here with an open mind at this family beach party in Hammersmith, part of a series of events in South East Marine Week. It is not a beach party in the traditional sense, needless to say, more an opportunity to get a little gentle education. I h A. what causes the muddy surface of the River Thames B. what children can learn about the history of the River Thames C. the diversity offish in the River Thames D. what was there under the River Thames [单选题]根据《民用航空安全检查手册》第199条,对未使用封闭货车运输的航空配餐和机供品,民航安检机构应当核对航空配餐和机供品台账,使用民航安检设备对航空配餐和机供品进行检查,对货车( ),确认安全后登记放行。
A.实施检查 B.人工检查 C.手工检查 D.仪器检查 [单选题]井巷出水点的位置及其水量,有积水的井巷及采空区的积水范围、标高和积水量,都必须绘在( )上。
A. 采掘工程平面图和矿井充水性图 B. 采区巷道布置图 C. 通风立体图 [多选题]主GIS窗口:用于显示()与()的区域。
A.地图 B.电网图 C.单线图 D.配网系统拓扑图 [单选题]用于制造导爆管雷管管壳的材料主要为铜、( )、铝合金、铁等。
A. 覆铜钢 B. 纸 C. 锡 D. 银 [判断题]线路风害是指风偏跳闸以及因风造成的绝缘子和金具损坏、导地线断股和断线、杆塔损坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]岁女孩,住在山区,平时多:病。检查,面颊部还有少量脂肪,心肺(一);腹壁皮下脂肪薄。山区无称重的磅秤。在谈条件下,评定营养不良只能依靠澜量臂围。
该小儿以前按规定完成计划免疫。该年龄应复种以下哪一种疫苗 A. 卡介苗 B. 乙肝疫苗 C. 脊髓灰质炎疫苗 D. 麻疹疫苗 E. 白破二联类毒素 [单项选择]转炉脱碳速度与渣中氧化亚铁含量的关系是()。
A. 脱碳速度快则氧化亚铁愈低 B. 渣中氧化亚铁含量愈低则脱碳速度愈低 C. 脱碳速度与渣中氧化亚铁含量无关 D. 都不对 [单项选择]关于课程与教学之间的关系,提出三个隐喻的是( )
A. 泰勒 B. 塞勒 C. 杜威 D. 布鲁纳 [单选题] 隐患分为重大隐患和(___)。(1.0分)
A.一般隐患 B.较大隐患 C.特别重大隐患 D.较小隐患 [单项选择]在进行筏形基础设计时,对于筏板的厚度,可以不考虑的是( )。
A. 板的局部承压 B. 板的抗剪切强度 C. 板的抗冲切强度 D. 板的最小厚度 我来回答: 提交