{{B}}Text{{/B}} A special lab at the University of Chicago is busy only{{U}} (26) {{/U}}. It is a dream{{U}} (27) {{/U}}where re- searchers are at work{{U}} (28) {{/U}}dreamers. Their findings have concluded that{{U}} (29) {{/U}}dreams from three to seven times each night,{{U}} (30) {{/U}}in ordinary life a person may{{U}} (31) {{/U}}none or only one of his dreams. While the{{U}} (32) {{/U}}sleep, special machines{{U}} (33) {{/U}}their brain waves and eye movements as well as the body movements that{{U}} (34) {{/U}}the end of a dream. Surprisingly, all subjects{{U}} (35) {{/U}}soundly. {{U}} (36) {{/U}}say that a person usually fidgets(烦躁) before a dream.{{U}} (37) {{/U}}the dream has started, his body relaxes and his eyes{{U}} (38) {{/U}}more active, as if A. Subjects B. Examiners C. Computers D. Observers [单项选择]空压机水冷却器中插锌棒是为了()。
A. 防结垢 B. 防腐蚀 C. 测温度 D. A+B [判断题]强迫油循环变压器内部故障跳闸后,潜油泵可以继续运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当光辐射增至一定量时,就会对环境及人体健康产生不良影响,这就是“光污染”。在家里,过于光亮的釉面墙砖、墙上装饰的明晃晃的镜面,闪烁的电视屏幕,以及白天大街上熠熠闪光的大楼玻璃幕墙,夜晚如彩虹般闪烁的霓虹灯、商场招牌、灯光广告,都是光污染。曾有一份调查报告显示:全球约有2/3的人生活在光污染中,而且人为光造成的污染逐年增加,如日本每年增加12%。
A. 光辐射都是光污染 B. 光污染发生在夜晚 C. 光污染发生在公共场所 D. 光污染目前很严重 [单项选择]The Mysteries of Nazca
In the desert of Peru, 300 kilometers from Lima, one of the most unusual artworks in the world has mystified (迷惑) people for decades._________ (46) But from high above, these marks are huge images of birds, fish, seashells, all beautifully carved into the earth.
The Nazca lines are so difficult to see from the ground that they weren’t discovered until the 1930s, when pilots spotted them while flying over the area. In all, there are about 70 different human and animal figures on the plain, along with 900 triangles, circles, and lines.
Researchers have figured out that the lines are at least 1, 500 years old, but their purpose is still a mystery. _________ (47) However, it would probably be very tricky to land a spaceship in the middle of pictures of dogs and monkeys.
In the 1940s, an American explorer named Paul Kosok suggested that the drawings are a chronicle (记录) of the movement of the stars and planets. _________ (48) Later, an astronomer tested his theory
[判断题]( )绝缘接头轨缝绝缘端板距轨枕边不宜小于100 mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]液压传动中压力实用单位是用( )表示。
A.KN B.kgf/cm2 C.MPa D.N·M [单选题]铁路机车车辆驾驶人员资格申请人隐瞒有关情况或提供虚假材料的,( )年内不得再次申请。
A.1 B.2 C.0.5 [单项选择]
Conversation 2 What kind of room does the man want ()A. A quiet room. B. A double room. C. A room at the back of the hotel. D. A small room. [单选题]存储器的主要功能是:
A.自动计算 B.进行输入/输出 C.存放程序和数据 D.进行数值计算 [填空题]鹅口疮的治疗原则,实火证应治以______,虚火证应治以______。
[判断题]对铁路技术设备要进行防寒过冬检查、整修,并做好包扎管路及更换冬油等工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] {{B}}Passage One{{/B}}