Mark Twain once observed that giving up
smoking is easy. He knew, because he’ d done it hundreds of times himself.
Giving up for ever is a trifle more difficult, apparently, and it is well known
that it is much more difficult for some people than for others. Why is this
so Few doctors believe any longer that it is simply a question of will power. And for those people that continue to view addicts as merely "weak", recent genetic research may force a rethink. A study conducted by Jacqueline Vink, of the Free University of Amsterdam, used a database called the Netherlands Twin Register to analyze the smoking habits of twins. Her results, published in the Pharmacogenomics Journal, suggest that an individual’ s degree of nicotine dependence, and even the number of cigarettes he smokes per day, are strongly genetically influenced. The A. her research is not based on the study of twins but on questionnaires. B. her research does not emphasize the contrast between two kinds of twins. C. her research is interested in the smoking habits of fraternal twins. D. her research only focuses on the study of the DNA of adult twins. [单项选择]显示初始检查步骤视标()。
A. 进帧键 B. 替换键 C. 复原键 D. 选择键 [单项选择]警民联防、警民共建精神文明、“110”报警服务监督系统、流动治安派出所等,体现了( )。
A. 警民结台形式多样化 B. 公安科技群众化 C. 治安工作社会化 D. 公安群众工作信息化 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司普速旅客列车车门管理规定》(南铁客[2020]239号)规定()使用人员要对客运对讲机进行检查,确保电池充满、性能良好。
A.单选题 B.班前 C.班中 D.班后 E.班前班中 [简答题]市场选择策划包括哪些?
A. 进行详细的需求分析,清楚业主的目标 B. 做好质量计划 C. 充分总结应用以往项目中的成功经验 D. 派遣高素质的服务团队 E. 与业主及投资人密切配合,加强沟通 [判断题]( )铁路建设工程竣工,应当按照国家有关规定组织验收,并由铁路运输企业进行运营安全评估。经验收、评估合格,符合运营安全要求的,方可投入运营。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]哪条韧带不属于踝关节的韧带?
A. 分裂韧带 B. 内侧韧带 C. 距腓前韧带 D. 距腓后韧带 E. 跟腓韧带 [单项选择]临床上最简便的用于确诊疟疾的实验室检查方法是()
A. 血或骨髓涂片检测疟原虫 B. 间接荧光抗体测定 C. 聚合酶链反应测定血中疟原虫DNA D. 间接红细胞凝集试验 E. 外周血液检查发现贫血和嗜酸性粒细胞增多 [判断题]扑救高层建筑火灾,能否及时而不间断地组织向火场供水,满足灭火所需的水量和水压,直接关系到灭火战斗的成败。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]混凝土枕位置要正确,必须与轨道中心垂直,间距偏差及歪斜在正线、到发线上不超过()。
A.30mm B.50mm C.60mm D.80mm [单项选择]How much sleep does a person need (31) the physiological bases of the need for sleep remain conjectural (猜想), rendering conclusive answers to this question impossible, much evidence has been gathered on how much sleep people do in fact obtain. Perhaps the most important conclusion to be (32) from this evidence is (33) there is great variability among individuals in total sleep time. For adults, (34) between six and nine hours of sleep as a nightly average is not unusual, and 7.5 hours probably best expresses the norm. Such norms, of course, forms inevitably vary with the criteria of sleep employed, The most (35) and reliable figures on sleep time, including those cited here, come from studies in sleep laboratories, where EEG criteria are employed.
(36) consistently has been associated with the varying amount, quality, and pattern of electrophysiologically defined sleep. The newborn infant may spend an average of about 16 hours A. extend B. range C. alter D. rise [单选题]转速负反馈有静差调速系统中,当负载增加以后,转速要下降,系统自动调速以后,使电动机的转速( )。
A.以恒转速旋转 B.等于原来的转速 C.略低于原来的转速 D.略高于原来的转速 [单选题]从离心泵的Q-N曲线上可以看出,Q位0.时,N不为0.,这部分功率将消耗在水泵的机械损失中,变为()消耗掉。
A.扬程 B.热能 C.动能 D.势能 [单选题]“健康安全环保(防火)管理委员会”,增加了健康、环保和防火的工作,体现了李总对 ()管理理念的思想高度和全面性。
A.环保 B.安全 C.制度 D.责任 [填空题]MINOS能管理包括()和TD在内的所有无线侧网络设备。
A. 速凝剂 B. 减水剂 C. 引气剂 D. 膨胀剂 [单选题]断层走向与所切割岩层走向基本一致的断层称为:( )( )
A.倾向断层 B.走向断层 C.斜交断层 [单选题]精细化自主巡检无人机导航定位精度应达到动态( )级。
A.毫米 B.厘米 C.分米 D.米 [多选题]促进各民族像石榴籽一样紧紧抱在一起旨在
A.铸牢中华民族共同意识 B.建设各民族共有精神家园 C.巩固和发展平等团结互助和谐社会的社会主义民族关系 D.使各民族在中华民族大家庭手足相亲,守望相助 [单项选择]《一个豆荚里的五粒豆》中,第五粒落在了哪里()
A. 太阳光里 B. 一块旧板子上 C. 被鸽子吃掉了 D. 花盆里 [单项选择]房地产经纪人应于执业资格注册有效期满前( )个月,向原注册管理机构办理再次注册手续。
A. 1 B. 3 C. 6 D. 12 我来回答: 提交