Both plants and animals of many sorts
show remarkable changes in form, structure, growth habits, and even mode of
reproduction in becoming adapted to different climatic environment, types of
food supply, or mode of living. This divergence in response to evolution is
commonly expressed by altering the form and function of some part or parts of
the organism, the original identity of which is clearly discernible. For
example, the creeping foot of the snail is seen in related marine preemptors to
be modified into a flapping organ useful for swimming, and is changed into
prehensile arms that bear sartorial disks in the squids and other cephalopods.
The limbs of various mammals are modified according to several different modes
of life—for swift running (cursorial) as in the horse and antelope, for swinging
to several different modes of life—for swinging in trees ( A. fossorial B. volant C. aquatic D. mammalian [单项选择]The people so often sleepy, weary, enigmatic,is a vast huddle with many units saying:"I earn my living.I make enough to get byand it takes all my time.If I had more timeI could do more for myselfand maybe for others.I could read and studyand talk things overand find out about things.It takes time.I wish I had the time. "The following lines are taken from______.
A. Chicago B. The People, Yes C. Departmental D. Salutation the Second [单选题]任何人发现井下火灾时,应立即采取一切可能的方法进行( )。
A.直接灭火 B.报告 C.撤离 D.组织人员救火 [单选题]利用交流接触器作欠压保护的原理是当电压不足时,线圈产生的()不足,触头分断。
A.磁力 B.涡流 C.热量 [多选题] 参与公司系统所承担电气工作的外单位或外来工作人员工作前,设备运维管理单位应告知( )。 (1.0分)
A. 作业时间 B. 现场电气设备接线情况 C. 危险点 D. 安全注意事项 [单项选择]
Many foreigners who have not visited Britain call all the inhabitants English, for they are used to thinking of the British Isles as England. (1) , the British Isles contain a variety of peoples, and only the people of England call themselves English. The others (2) to themselves as Welsh, Scottish, or Irish, (3) the case may be; they are often slightly annoyed (4) being classified as "English". [填空题]影响练习的因素有( )和练习方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]灭火器应( )检查一次,超过规定泄漏量的应检修。
A.每月 B.每季度 C.每半年 D.每年 [单项选择]如果希望得到的文献是国内一流的研究成果,通过《维普期刊资源整合服务平台》的()字段进行检索可能是较好的选择。
A. 科研基金 B. 文摘 C. 篇名 D. 关键词 [单选题]下列关于冰片的药理作用,错误的是
A.抗心律失常 B.促进药物透皮吸收 C.抗炎 D.抑制中枢 E.镇痛 [单项选择]成年人咽鼓管的特点是:()
A. 宽、窄、直 B. 窄、长、弯 C. 短、宽、直 D. 弯、短、窄 E. 宽、长、弯 [单项选择]
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]矿山设备在安装前,要对基础验收,那么,基础的作用是什么?
A. 询问初查对象 B. 调取证据材料 C. 限制初查对象的人身权利 [多选题]电压表、携带型电压互感器和其他高压测量仪器的接线和拆卸无需断开高压回路者,可以带电工作。但应使用耐高压的(),导线长度应尽可能(),不准有(),并应连接牢固,以防()。必要时用绝缘物加以固定。
A.绝缘导线 B.缩短 C.接头 D.接地和短路 [简答题]为区别三相交流电相位,用统一规定的颜色表示:u、v、w各相分别用(________)色表示。
[单项选择]二尖瓣狭窄合并房颤,心室率123次/分,首选治疗是( )
A. 硝酸甘油以扩张血管 B. 用利尿剂减少容量负荷 C. 西地兰控制心室率 D. 吸氧 E. 二尖瓣分离术解除狭窄 [单选题]允许速度Vmax≤120km/h正线,轨道动态质量容许偏差管理值,水平I级偏差管理值为( )mm。
A.18 B.10 C.8 D.12 [单项选择]建设项目国民经济评价的内容不包括()。
A. 盈利能力分析 B. 清偿能力分析 C. 外汇效果分析 D. 不确定性分析 [单项选择]矩形波()。
A. 有固定的周期 B. 有固定的占空比 C. 有固定的幅度 D. 以上都对 [简答题]有突出危险的煤矿企业应掌握哪些突出资料?
[单选题]操作转换开关规范用语是( )
A.投入、退出 B.拉开、合上 C.取下、装上 D.切至 [名词解释]围岩蚀变
A. 协助购买门票 B. 婉言拒绝,耐心解释 C. 为避免出事故断然拒绝 D. 提醒有关注意事项,但不能陪同前往 [单选题] 所谓DVM的基本量程就是指()。
A.不经过量程衰减器及量程放大器的量程 B.人为指定的任意一个中间量程 C.最低量程 D.最高量程 [单项选择]如果是坡屋面,烟囱要超出屋脊至少()
A. 50cm B. l00Cm C. 150cm D. 200Cm [单选题]动车组不检修过夜存放次日出发前应在操纵端进行( )制动试验。
A.全部 B.简略 C.紧急 D.备用 [多选题]沈阳地铁九号线一期工程车站与FAS监控工作站交换机实现接口通讯的系统有( )
A.消防电源系统 B.通信时钟 C.综合监控系统 D.电气火灾系统 [单项选择]According to official statistics, retail sales in China rose 10% and 12.2% in the first and the second quarter ______ this year.
A. accordingly B. correspondingly C. respectively D. individually 我来回答: 提交