Various innovations have been
introduced as ways to break off our system which forces students through a
series of identical classrooms in which teachers do most of the talking and
students have little opportunity to respond. Among these innovations are team
teaching and teacher aides, non-graded elementary and secondary schools,
independent study, curricula focused on helping students discover things for
themselves rather than on trying to tell them everything, and schools designed
for maximum flexibility so that students can work alone, or in small groups, or
take part in large group instruction via diverse media. The aim of all these
innovations is to adapt instruction more precisely to the needs of each
individual student. Many people who have a strong dislike to organizing
instruction scientifically and to bringing new technology into the schools and
A. as a lecturer B. that of a technologist C. as the source of knowledge D. much more than that of classroom teaching [单项选择]
60钴治疗机等中心误差应不大于() A. 1mm B. 2mm C. 1.5mm D. 2.5mm E. 0.5mm [单选题]王婆婆排尿后,发现尿中有白色的,像棉絮一样的物质,照护人员应告知王婆婆( )
A.增加饮水量 B.有活动性出血 C.丝虫病 D.糖尿病 E.泌尿系统感染 [单选题]我国ETF的最小申购和赎回单位一般为( )。
A.50万份或100万份 B.30万份或50万份 C.30万份或80万份 D.50万份或80万份 [判断题]离开特种作业岗位3个月以上的特种作业人员,应当重新进行实际操作考试,经确认合格后方可上岗作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]朝鲜族的著名民歌有( )。
A.《桔梗谣》 B.《阿里郎》 C.《诺多尔江边》 D.《江格尔》 E.《十二木卡姆》 [单选题]个人饮食卫生应注意饭前便后要洗手,不吃不干净的食品,不喝()。
A.开水 B.生水 C.饮料 D.白酒 [名词解释]温度补偿作用
[单选题]犬咬伤后应立即用浓肥皂水或清水冲洗伤口至少( )min,同时用挤压法自上而下将残留伤口内唾液挤出,然后再用碘酒涂搽伤口。
A.A.5 B.B.10 C.C.15 D.D.20 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]某校举办“科技创新周”活动,在学生中广泛征集小发明、小制作。中学生参加此项活动()
A. 有利于把自己培养成创新型人才 B. 有利于培养创新精神和实践能力 C. 会耽误学习的时间,影响学习成绩 D. 有利于培养科学精神,掌握科学方法 [判断题]CR400AF动车组雨刷刮雨器刮片上的Nylock 螺母能起到防松的作用,属于一次性零部件,每次拆卸后须更换新螺母进行安装。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交