内存类型 | 名称 | 总线宽度 | 存储器总线时钟 | 有效时钟 |
双通道RDRAM | PC1060 | 2×2 Bytes | 533MHz | 1066MHz |
SDRAM | PC133 | 8 Bytes | 133MHz | 133MHz |
DDR SDRAM | PC266 | 8 Bytes | 133MHz | 266MHz |
Forecasting Methods There are several different methods that can be used to create a forecast. The method a forecaster chooses depends upon the experience of the forecaster, the amount of information available to the forecaster, the level of difficulty that the forecast situation presents and the degree of accuracy or confidence needed in the forecast. The first of these methods is the persistence method : the simplest of producing a forecast. The persistence method assumes that the conditions at the time of the forecast will not change. For example, if it is sunny and 37 degrees today, the persistence method predicts that it will be sunny and 37 degrees tomorrow. If two inches of rainfall today, the persistence method would predict two inches of rain for tomorrow. However, if wea A. when the current weather scenario differs from the analog B. when the current weather scenario is the same as the analog C. when the analog is over ten years old D. when the analog is a simple repetition of the current weather scenario [单选题]以下不属于气化过程实际数据计算法中需要收集和确定的技术参数的是( )。
A.煤气成分及低发热量 B.煤气产率(湿) C.炉出飞灰量 D.灰渣产率及含碳量 [单项选择]
男性,62岁。近5年来气急进行性加重。10个月前曾因呼吸衰竭抢救恢复。1周来咳嗽气急加重伴尿少住院。体检神志淡漠,气急,轻度紫绀,眼睑水肿,球结膜充血水肿。颈静脉充盈,于呼气相尤其明显。肝上界第6肋间水平,肋下2.5cm,质尚软,肝颈回流试验(±),下肢轻度水肿。血气分析(不吸氧):pH7.45,PaCO210.6kPa(80mmHg),HCO-350mmol/L,PaO26.7kPa(50mmHg)。查房时医生们对心力衰竭诊断出现意见分歧,你认为下列哪种意见更符合实际() A. 右心衰竭 B. 不足以证明有心衰竭 C. 全心衰竭 D. 呼吸衰竭合并右心衰竭 E. 需要作心电图加以证明 [单项选择]雄性对虾去壳后有一层薄薄的最显著的特征是()。
A. 白衣 B. 绿衣 C. 黑衣 D. 黄衣 [单选题]下列行为中存在共同犯罪的是()。
A.小张与其妻子于情人节当天在家中进行烛光晚餐,不慎引发火灾,造成自家与邻居家重大财产损失 B.于某杀害了与其素有仇怨的李某,于某父亲知晓后帮助于某逃跑至外地躲避公安机关的追捕 C.甲、乙两人商量后共同潜入某富豪的家中盗窃,在窃得财物后,甲出于仇富心理不听乙的劝阻杀害了该富豪 D.孙某预谋开车撞死自己的“情敌”,尚未实施,其“情敌”就被酒后驾车的钱某撞死 [单项选择]最容易引起休克的是()
A. 骨盆骨折 B. 股骨颈骨折 C. 肱骨髁上骨折 D. 锁骨骨折 E. 胫腓骨干骨折 [简答题]蜘蛛痣产生原理及常见于哪些疾病?
[填空题]黄山的三大主峰是莲花峰、天都峰、( )。
[判断题]2.22 机动车在夜间道路上发生故障难以移动时要开启危险报警闪光灯、示廓灯、后位灯。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交