Text{{/B}} The conception of poverty and what to {{U}} (26) {{/U}} about it have changed over the decades. Under Social Darwinism the lazy and the {{U}} (27) {{/U}} were supposed to be at the bottom of the economic ladder as a result of the "law of {{U}} (28) {{/U}} of the fittest". Society was {{U}} (29) {{/U}} as a network of self-sufficient families which provided for their own. {{U}} (30) {{/U}} persons outside a household (orphans, the {{U}} (31) {{/U}} elderly,and the crippled) were provided outdoor relief grudgingly and as a temporary expedient. Although it was {{U}} (32) {{/U}} that "the poor will always be with us", the individual was expected to improve himself {{U}} (33) {{/U}} acts of his own will. Charity was thought to be the {{U}} (34) {{/U}} of idleness. A. ineffieient B. invalid C. ineffective D. inaccessible [填空题]重要临时设施、重要施工工序、特殊作业、危险作业应编制( )施工方案。
[单选题]在中国改革开放史上,有一个关键词注定让人们无法忘记,那就是“经济特区”。30年来,它在我国经济发展中书写了浓墨重彩的一笔。下列不属于我国首批经济特区的是( )。
A.深圳 B.珠海 C.汕头 D.广州 [简答题]为什么说厨房安全是实现企业效益的保证?
[单项选择]在某工程网络计划中,已知工作M的总时差和自由时差分别为4d和2d,监理工程师检查实际进度时发现,该工作的持续时间延长了3d,说明此时工作M的实际进度( )。
A. 不影响总工期,但其后续工作的最早开始时间将推迟1d B. 既不影响总工期,也不影响其后续工作的最早开始时间 C. 将影响其总工期推迟3d,但不影响其后续工作的最早开始时间 D. 既影响总工期,又影响其后续工作,均拖延3d [单选题]3.轴套类零件按加工位置和形状特征原则确定主视图:轴线( )放置,键槽等结构朝前对着观察者。
A.垂直 B.水平 C.倾斜 D.自然 [判断题]ECIF修改客户信息时会系统自动修改该客户下的贷款信息
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某养殖场一经产母猪产仔12头,其中有一公仔猪脐部出现肿大,此肿大随吮乳而增加仰卧此肿大消失,此病为()
A. 脐部脓肿 B. 脐部肿瘤 C. 脐部组织增生 D. 脐疝 E. 脐水肿 [判断题]浇注时,所有与金属溶液接触的工具都需预热,以防止与冷工具接触产生飞溅。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]1951年荣获“人民艺术家”称号的是()。
A. 钱钟书 B. 杨绛 C. 老舍 D. 巴金 [单选题]对于轻度中毒并有逃生能力的人,应迅速引导疏散至( )。
A.侧下风方向 B.下风方向 C.上风方向 D.侧上风方向 [多选题]下列装置中属于水分测定器组成部分的是( )。
A.蛇形冷凝管 B. 圆底烧瓶 C. 直管式冷凝管 D. 接受器 [多选题]关于外照射防护下列理解正确的是( )
A.尽量减少或避免射线从外部对人体的照射 B.使外照射不超过国家规定的剂量限制 C.外照射防护的三要素:时间、距离、屏蔽 D.对于伽马射线的防护,采用原子序数低的材料制成的屏蔽物更好 E.对于中子的防护,常常分为慢化和吸收两步 [单项选择]______ getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with classmates.
A. Despite of B. In spite of C. Even though D. Nonetheless [单选题]在FusionAccess场景中,域账户的本地管理员账号都无法删除OU,可能原因是该OU的属性勾选了“防止对象被意外删除”
A.错 B.对 [判断题]出灰速度过快,整体灰层迅速下移,火层也随之下降。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述常见齿轮箱的故障?
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Jamie Stephenson has seen first-hand what modern genetic science can do for a family.When her son David was 2 years old,a pediatrician noticed signs of mental retardation and developmental delays.A lab test confirmed the diagnosis,and(46)__________.When David was 6,he visited a neurologist,who scribbled"hereditary mental retardation"on an insurance-company claim form. The company responded promptly by canceling coverage for the entire family of six. There is no medical treatment for his mental retardation,and none of David's siblings had been diagnosed with the condition."The company didn't care,"Stephenson says."( 47)________"
No one would argue that genetic tests are worthless.Used properly,(48)________.Prospective parents who discover they're silent carriers of the gene for a disease like Tay-Sachs,which causes death by the age of 3,can make better-informed decisions about whether and how to have kids. Some genetic maladies can be managed through medication and lifestyle changes once they're identifled.And while knowing that you're at special risk for cancer may be an emotional burden,it can also alert you to the need for intensive monitoring. The federal government is now taking steps to make genetic information less threatening. A recently enacted health insurance act bars insurers from treating genetic mutations as"pre-existing conditions"unless they are causing illness.The act also guarantees coverage to anyone leaving one group plan for another,whatever his pre-existing conditions.That will make switching jobs easier for many people,but ethicists say the act is only a first step.(49)_________. Lawmakers are now racing to strengthen the protections.(50)______,and Congress will consider several bills in the new session.The insurance industry argues that it should be free to charge people rates that reflect their risks,at least when dealing with individuals and small compames.But most ethicists contend that where health coverage is concerned,people shouldn't be penal-ized for risks they can't modify. Discrimination isn't the only potential downside to genetic testing. Some of the new susceptibility tests can only vaguely predict illness and no one forces the companies that offer them to counsel patients about what the results actually mean.Even when the tests are sound and the results secure, the knowledge they create can dash hopes and divide families. ________(48) A.they can give people unprecedented power over their lives B.the Stephensons spent several years learning to live with it C.People from high-risk families have come to fear tests almost as much as the disease D.They just saw a positive genetic test and said,"You're out" E.Because it covers only group plans and doesn't deal with disability insurance F.At least 15 states in the U.S.have recently placed restrictions on insurers or employers [多选题]采用BOM/TCM查询业务针对的卡型包括()。
A.地铁储值卡 B.公交一卡通 C.智慧通普通卡 D.公交一卡通异形卡 [多选题]根据《关于规范办理已故存款人小额存款提取业务有关事项的通知》(鲁农信联运营〔2021〕29号),已故存款人在本法人机构的账户余额包括( )。( )
A.活期存款、定期存款 B.大额存单 C.智e付等存款余额 D.法人机构自身发行的非存款类金融产品(如理财产品)的本金和收益。 E.法人机构自身代理的非存款类金融产品(如理财产品)的本金和收益。 [单项选择]有利于中央政府与地方政府之间收入共享、风险共担的收支划分方法是( )。
A. 统收统支 B. 分类分成 C. 总额分成 D. 以收定支 我来回答: 提交