Hitchhiking(搭车旅游) When I was in my teens(十几岁) and 20s, hitchhiking was a main form of long-distance transport. The kindness or curiosity of strangers {{U}} (51) {{/U}} me all over Europe, North America, Asia and southern Africa. Some of the lift-givers became friends, many provided hospitality {{U}} (52) {{/U}} the road. Not only did you find out much more about a country than {{U}} (53) {{/U}}traveling by train or plane, but also there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night. Hitchhiking featured importantly in Western culture. It has books and songs about it. So what has happened to {{U}} (54) {{/U}} A few years ago, I asked the same question about hitchhiking in a column on a newspaper. {{U}} (55 A. made B. took C. traveled D. crossed [判断题]( )内部专卖管理监督的对象是指所有依法取得烟草专卖许可证,从事烟草专卖品生产、销售和进出口业务的企业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]乙炔属于石油气的主要成分。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在投标报价中,当承包商无竞争优势时,可采用无利润算标的情况有()。
A. 得标后,将大部分工程分包给索价较低的一些分包商 B. 希望二期工程中标,赚得利润 C. 希望修改设计方案 D. 希望改动某些条款 E. 较长时间内承包商没有在建工程,如再不中标,就难以生存 [判断题]许可证必须在作业结束后12h内进行关闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]铁塔组立后,110-750、1000kV各相邻主材节点间弯曲度不得超过()
A.1/300 B.1/500 C.1/600 D.1/750 [判断题]液压传动中可以不用滤油器等辅助元件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]银行或者其他金融机构的工作人员违反国家规定,向关系人发放贷款的,依照违法发放贷款罪的规定( )处罚。
A.从重 B.加重 C.从轻 D.减轻 [单项选择]原尿的成分()
A. 和终尿近似 B. 比终尿多葡萄糖 C. 比终尿多Na+、K+ D. 比血浆少葡萄糖 E. 比血浆少蛋白质 [多选题]非实质性超限是因技术性或操作性原因导致系统提示超限,包括但不限于()。
A.系统程序原因造成的误算和误报 B.误操作造成的短暂误算 C.交易簿记时点晚于批量时点,造成的误算 D.因交易员主动持有导致的 E.交易员提高风险敞口所导致的 [判断题]制冷循环中应用蒸气过热是为了提高制冷循环的制冷系数。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]小剂量碘主要用于
A.单纯性甲状腺肿 B.抑制甲状腺素的释放 C.甲状腺功能检查 D.呆小病 E.黏液性水肿 [单选题]夜间巡线应携带足够的()。
A.干粮 B.照明用具 C.急救药品 D.防身器材 [单项选择]财政的资源配置职能是指由于政府的介入或干预所产生的,其特点和作用是通过( )为政府满足公共需要提供财力,引导资源的流向,弥补市场失灵。
A. 政府干预 B. 财政收支活动 C. 市场机制 D. 宏观调控 [单选题]男性尿道最狭窄处是( )
A.尿道内口 B.尿道外口 C.尿道前列腺部 D.尿道膜部 E.尿道海绵体部 [多选题]直流保护电器出厂验收中,直流断路器额定电压应( )回路的最高工作电压,额定电流大于回路的最大工作电流。
A.大于 B.等于 C.小于 D.约等于 [多项选择]从业人员要做到公平公正,就应该( )。
A. 坚持按原则办事 B. 不徇私情 C. 不计个人得失 D. 不畏权势 [单项选择]This year the combined advertising revenues of Google and Yahoo! will rival the combined primetime ad revenues of America’s three big television networks, ABC, CBS and NBC predicts Advertising Age. It will, says the trade magazine, represent a "watershed moment" in the evolution of the internet as an advertising medium. A 30-second prime-time TV ad was once considered the most effective — and the most expensive — form of advertising. But that was before the internet got going. And this week online advertising made another leap forward.
This latest innovation comes from Google, which has begun testing a new auction-based service for display advertising. Both Google and Yahoo! make most of their money from advertising. Auctioning keyword search-terms, which deliver sponsored links to advertisers’ websites, has proved to be particularly lucrative. And advertisers like paid-search because, unlike TV, they only pay for results: they are charged when someone clicks on one of their lin A. a 30-second prime-time TV ad B. a 30-second prime-time online advertising C. online advertising D. most expensive TV ad [多选题]下列属于保证会计信息质量要求的原则有()
A.可靠性原则 B.可比性原则 C.可理解性原则 D.谨慎性原则 E.及时性原则 [单选题] ( )是指人们在社会交往和公共生活中应该遵守的行为准则。
A. 职业道德 B. 社会公德 C. 家庭美德 D. 个人品德 [单选题]低压电气工作时,拆开的引线、断开的线头应采取()等遮蔽措施。
A.胶带包裹 B.绝缘包裹 C.帆布遮盖 D.剪断包裹 [单选题] 关于右淋巴导管,正确的说法是
A. 为最大的淋巴管道 B. 收集右半身的淋巴回流 C. 注入右静脉角 D. 由右颈干和右锁骨下干合成 E. 与胸导管间无交通 [单选题]下述哪一项描述是错误的?( D )气管上皮为鳞状上皮
A.气管为一后壁扁平的 通气管道 B.气管壁以多个"C” 字型环状软骨为支架 C.气管上皮有杯状细 胞,能分泌粘液 D.气管上皮为鳞状上皮 [简答题]对于通航桥梁,通航净空指的是什么?
A.手术衣衣领 B.手术衣内面 C.手术衣外面 D.手术衣袖口 E.手术衣腰部 [判断题]一次设备(线路除外)转检修状态后,厂站值班员可根据工作需要自行操作停电范围内一次设备(与带电系统作为明显断开点的刀闸除外)。设备复电前厂站值班员应将设备状态恢复至停电时状态,并报值班调度员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Happy hours are not necessarily happy, nor do they last for an hour, but they have become a part of the ritual of the office worker and businessman. [单选题]8题单选:依据相关规定,化学危险品贮存方式分为三种,下列说法正确的有:(________)
A. 隔离贮存 B. 隔开贮存 C. 分离贮存 D. 以上都正确 我来回答: 提交