账户名称 | 借方发生额 | 货方发生额 |
A. 狮子头及罗盘纹 B. 环状横纹及云锦纹 C. 支根断落处有黑褐色胶状物 D. 黄棕色突起的花斑 E. 横向突起的皮孔样疤痕 [单选题]肆CPU的引脚中,接有硬中断信号的引脚有( )。
A.15个 B.8个 C.2个 D.1个 [单项选择]全口义齿基托需缓冲的区域是
A. 远中颊角区 B. 下颌牙槽嵴 C. 后堤区 D. 下颌舌骨嵴 E. 上颌牙槽嵴 [单选题] 由于作业组织方法和作业人员的职名不同,岗位作业标准中的作业人员分工,可按岗位责任制的规定执行,但不应简化标准中的( )要求。
A.安全 B.作业 C.技术 D.操作 [单项选择] . You have a server that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You back up the files on the server by using the following schedule: ·Full backup every Sunday ·Differential backup at 01:00 every Monday to Friday You want to restore the version of a file stored on the server at the start of the business day on Wednesday. You are unsure when the file was last modified. You need to restore the appropriate version of the file by using the minimum number of tapes. Which backup jobs should you review to locate the correct version of the file? ()
A. the differential backup from Tuesday B. the differential backup from Wednesday and then the full backup from Sunday C. the full backup from Sunday D. the full backup from Sunday and then all other backups [单选题]繁忙干线客运列车脱轨18辆以上并中断铁路行车48小时以上,为( )事故。
A.特别重大 B.重大 C.较大 D.一般 [单项选择]Under his arm ______a great package.
A. was he carrying B. he was carrying C. carrying he D. was he carried [单项选择]库区移民选址的工程地质勘察主要在()阶段进行。
A. 规划与可行性研究 B. 可行性研究与初步设计 C. 初步设计与技施设计 D. 技施设计 [单选题]实用新型专利权的专利保护期限是
A.10年 B.5年 C.3年 D.30年 E.50年 [多选题]一台完整的压缩机组包括()。
A.A.主机部分 B.B.辅机部分 C.C.传动部分 D.D.控制部分 [多选题]天气不良作业距停留车位置十车时不准超过( )km/h,距停留车位置五车时不准超过( )km/h,距停留车位置三车时不准超过5km/h,接近被连挂车辆时不准超过( )km/h。
A.10 B.7 C.5 D.3 我来回答: 提交