Many theories concerning the causes of
juvenile delinquency (青少年犯罪) focus either on the individual or on society as the
major contributing influence. Theories (56) on the individual
suggest that children engage in criminal behavior (57) they
were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned
criminal behavior through (58) with others. Theories focusing
on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in response to their
failure to rise above their socioeconomic status (59) as a
rejection of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, (60) the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes for lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative A. incidence B. awareness C. exposure D. popularity [判断题][T]BB012523
抽油机井示功图有理论示功图与实测示功图之分。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]CR400AF型动车组型动车组塞拉门正常情况下()车只从内部操作隔离锁。
A.2,3 B.4,5 C.6 D.7 [填空题] During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent. Some countries did not 【B1】 enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not 【B2】 . Many of these countries 【B3】 the industrial processes of the developed nations for solutions.
However, problems cannot always be solved by copying the 【B4】 nations. Industry in the developed nations is highly automated and very 【B5】 It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly 【B6】 workers are needed to 【B7】 and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained, 【B8】 many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the 【B9】 of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to receive 【B10】 and professional training. 【B11】 , just to begin training, the students must 【B12】 learn English, French, German, or Japanese. These countries always invest much 【B13】 the abroad education, but some students do not return home.
A. A.gifted B.skilled C.trained D.skillful [多选题]如发生以下情况,则该医疗费不由基本医疗保险基金支付的为( )。
A.赵某需进行外科手术的原因是工伤 B.钱某需进行外科手术的原因是被赵某驾驶的汽车撞伤 C.孙某需进行外科手术的原因是非因工负伤 D.李某需进行外科手术的原因是患病 [判断题]职业危害因素是指在生产、劳动过程中存在的、对职工的健康和劳动能力产生有害作用并导致疾病的因素。 ()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在施工中发生危及人身安全的紧急情况时,作业人员有权立即停止作业或者在采取必要的应急措施后撤离危险区域。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 年在新疆恐龙沟出土的恐龙,仅脖子就有15米长,成为目前发现的脖子最长的恐龙,它属于( )
A.梁龙 B.马门溪龙 C.蛇颈龙 [判断题]抓捕,是指警察对犯罪嫌疑人的武力捕获活动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一个电气连接部分是指:电气装置中,可以用断路器(开关)同其他电气装置分开的部分。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]控制区人员通行证件查验机构负责将查验中发现的违法、违规行为当事人移交()或()调查处理。
A. 直销 B. 招标发行 C. 承购包销 D. 代销 [判断题]使用起重机组塔时,车身应使用不小于25mm2的铜线可靠接地。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]蛋白质翻译后加工
A. 切除部分肽链 B. 3’-末端加-CCA C. 3’-末端加polyA D. 45S rRNA的剪切 E. 亚单位的聚合 [多选题]下列关于粘结指数说法正确的是( )。
A.焦化温度和当煤样放入马弗炉后应在5min内炉温恢复到850 ℃,如没有达到规定,必须重做 B.需确定原煤牌号测定G值时,往往根据国标用1.4的密度液浮沉原煤,取浮煤来测定G C.煤样和无烟煤混合均匀是获得可靠结果的首要条件 D.为了保证煤样的粒度,最好采用手工制作煤样 [单选题]蛤蚧药材有四足,四足均有五趾,五趾的特征是
A.五趾均具爪,趾底面具吸盘 B.五趾均具爪,趾底面无吸盘 C.五趾均具爪,趾间有皮膜相连 D.五趾中有4趾具爪,趾底面无吸盘 E.五趾中有4趾具爪,趾底面具吸盘 [判断题]消防人员在有毒区域进行侦察、排险、灭火等行动时,应单独行动,减少危害。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,旅客列车餐车销售无包装直接食用的食品时,应有防蝇、防尘措施,加盖洁净、消毒合格的苫布(盖),将手洗净消毒后方可接徒手触食品。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在站内线路上施工,将施工线路两端道岔扳向不能通往施工地点的位置,并加锁或紧固,可不设置移动停车信号牌(灯)。《安规》第2.2.7条
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]开发期的起点是取得估价对象的日期,终点是开发完成后的房地产经营结束的日期。 ( )
[单选题]工作间断超过( )应重新填发工作票。
A. 12h B. 24h C.2天 D. 3天 [多项选择]对重点罪犯的控制包括()。
A. 罪犯互监组夹控 B. 包夹罪犯夹控 C. 耳目夹控 我来回答: 提交