Journalists who write about families as
well as social and cultural issues can count on receiving an annual barrage of
public relations pitches for Valentine’s Day. The PR blitz begins right after
Christmas and continues almost until the big day itself. Daily, sometimes
hourly, e-mails pop up on my computer screen, as publicity agents propose
stories on a variety of love-rated subjects. Some suggest traditional topics. How about interviewing the author of a new book on how to find the perfect mate Or what about a story offering ideas on the best gifts to give to your heartthrob Other suggestions take a thoroughly modern approach to romance. Publicists would be happy to provide information about the newest matchmaking website or the hottest dating coach. There’s even a "psychic medium" who promises to tell radio and television audiences about their A. (A) obligation could be taken as equal to love B. (B) the changing pattern will not be popular C. (C) love cannot be replaced by obligation D. (D) the changing attitude is not healthy [单选题]220kV及以上的变压器、电抗器应进行真空处理,当油箱内真空度达到( )Pa以下时,应关闭真空机组出口阀门,测量系统泄漏率,测量时间应为( )min,泄漏率应符合产品技术文件的要求。(GB 50148—2010《电气装置安装工程 电力变压器、油浸电抗器、互感器施工及验收规范》4.9.4)
A.100;60 B.200;60 C.100;30 D.200;30 [多项选择]围手术期颅内压的常见影响因素有()
A. PaC02 B. Pa02 C. 血压 D. 输注库血 E. 颅内占位 [单选题]患者,女,68岁,患脑出血8天,右侧肢体偏瘫。现患者右手仅有细微的屈曲,右下肢仅有极少的随意运动。按照Brunnstrom分期,该患者属于( )期
A.Ⅰ B.Ⅱ C.Ⅲ D.Ⅳ E.Ⅴ [多项选择]在Windows2000中,可以用做文件名的有______。
A. test B. te D. test_l [填空题]PDH是( )光纤通信系统;SDH是同步光纤通信系统。
Passage Four Dr. John Sterngold worked in the emergency room of a hospital in Willits, CA. The hospital was near a chrome-plating plant. The plant let off a dangerous gas called Chromium Ⅵ. Dr. Sterngold got very sick with asthma and had to quit working at the hospital. Many other citizens of Willits became ill with tumors, cancer, and asthma. Many scientists believe that the gases from the plant caused the illnesses, Thirty years ago Chromium Ⅵ was known to cause cancer. Twenty years ago scientists found there was no safe level of exposure to Chromium Ⅵ. But the company, Remco, was allowed to continue giving off the chemical until 1995. How could this happen Many chemicals are used in industry without knowing if they are dangerous. Sometimes, industry and business are more important than the health of the people. What happened to people who lived in Willits from 1964~19957()A. They all got sick. B. They are at higher risk of cancer and asthma. C. They lost their jobs at the plant. D. Most of them moved away. [简答题] 加氢催化剂干燥需要注意哪些问题?
[单选题]急性脑血管意外——脑出血急救时,应 。
A.让病人保持平躺 B.将头抬高 10 度 C.将头抬高 30 度 D.让病人坐起来 [填空题]对于拖欠农民工工资争议案件,劳动人事争议仲裁庭可通过经与被申请人协商同意缩短或者取消答辩期、采用简便方式送达有关仲裁文书等措施,将审限缩短至( )日内。
A. NBT还原试验 B. 炭粒廓清实验 C. 溶酶体活性测定 D. 促凝血活性测定 E. 滤膜小室法 [判断题]材料承受载荷P除以其原始横截面积,所得数值称为该材料的所受的应力 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]石子的压碎值指标试验,标准试样一律采用公称粒径10-25mm的颗粒,并在气干状态下进行试验。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交