Centers of the Great European Cities
The centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tradition. People gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night. a mixture of locals and tourists make for an exciting, metropolitan atmosphere.
Squares, plazas (广场) and arcades (拱廊) form the heart of Europe’s cities.
Venice in Italy has the Piazza San Marco - a beautiful square surrounded by shops, churches, restaurants and cafés. In Barcelona, Spain, La Bosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods. London’s Covent Garden is filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians, acrobats (杂技演员) and artists by night. The government buildings at the center of many cities often are architecturally impressive. In London, they serve as a beautiful backdrop (背景) to the coffee tables that line the
A. It is crowded with people
B. It is located in London
C. It is filled with stalls
D. It is surrounded by shops, churches, restaurants and cafés
{{B}}Text{{/B}} … The greatest advantage of books does not always come from what we remember of them, but from their{{U}} (8) {{/U}}. A good book often{{U}} (9) {{/U}}as a match to{{U}} (10) {{/U}}the dormant-powder within us. There is explosive material{{U}} (11) {{/U}}in most of us if we can only reach it. A good book or a good friend often excites{{U}} (12) {{/U}}in great writers, even{{U}} (13) {{/U}}entirely different subjects. We often find in books{{U}} (14) {{/U}}we thought and felt, could we not have expressed ourselves. Indeed, we get{{U}} (15) {{/U}}with ourselves in books. We{{U}} (16) {{/U}}one feature in Emerson, another lineament in Shakespeare, an expression in Homer, a glimpse of ourselves in Dante, and so on{{U}} (17) {{/ A. determined B. subjective C. arbitrary D. arrogant [多选题]堆垛机制式切换分为三个模式:()()()。
A.在线 B.自动 C.手动 D.手动在线 [判断题]RN2-10、RN2-20型熔断器可用作过载保护用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]原子不带电,是因为( )
A.原子不带任何电荷 B.核外电子不带电 C.原子核不带电 D.原子核带正电,核外电子带同样数量的负电 [简答题]对1000kVA油浸式变压器及400kVA以上干式变压器应配臵温度保护功能,其中对温度设定的相关规定。
A. 使睫状肌向瞳孔中心方向收缩,悬韧带松弛 B. 瞳孔括约肌收缩,虹膜向中心拉紧,根部变薄,致前房角扩大 C. 调节麻痹,眼睛得到休息 D. 调节痉挛,眼睛得到休息 E. 都不是 [判断题]设有两个及以上车场的车站,转场进路应设进路色灯信号机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]有下列行为之一,造成不良后果或者影响的,于以警告、记过或者记大过;情节较重的,予以降级或者撤职;情节严重的,予以开除:( )
A.在值班、备勤、执勤时擅离岗位的 B.在灭火救援战斗行动中,作战消极、临阵畏缩的 C.接到人民群众报警求助后,无故不出警的 D.拒不执行或者变相不执行、拖延执行上级依法作出的决定、命令的 [多选题]调度命令要素包含发令日期、时间、命令号码、()、()、()、()、发令人。
A.受令处所 B.命令内容 C.朗诵人 D.受令人 E.复诵人 [单项选择]细菌性阴道炎的主要致病菌为
A. 厌氧杆菌 B. 大肠杆菌 C. 加德钠尔菌 D. 溶血性链球菌 E. 葡萄球菌 [判断题]232.创业担保贷款展期和逾期期间也可贴息。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]A4题(4问)
患者丁某配戴日戴型软性接触镜3年,每1个月更换镜片,但经常戴镜过夜,近期到医院例行半年复查,检查发现结膜清,角膜中央区有2条白色条纹,前房中深,晶状体透明。 丁某最可能的诊断是 A. 角膜基质水肿 B. 角膜损伤 C. 角膜混浊 D. 角膜内皮细胞多型变 [单选题]示波器中的示波管采用的屏蔽罩一般用( )制成。
A.铜 B.铁 C.塑料 D.坡莫合金 [判断题] 新上岗的特种作业人员应当具备高中及以上文化程度或者职业高中、技校及中专以上相关专业学历。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Salesman: Good morning. Planning to buy a new car today
Customer:() Salesman: What kind of car are you looking for Customer: Something that has enough room for my family. A. I’m just looking around. B. I’m just looking everywhere. C. I’m just looking here and there. D. I’m just looking all the cars. [单项选择]下列哪种药物是治疗脑水肿的首选药物()
A. 呋塞米 B. 氢氯噻嗪 C. 氨苯蝶啶 D. 螺内酯 E. 甘露醇 [单选题]消防救援队伍参加抢险救援工作,必须在()的统一领导下。
A.公安机关 B.消防部门 C.政府 D.现场最高领导 [单项选择]包装完成后,出库专员应于货物包装的()添加标示,标明货物的名称、规格以及提发单位等。
A. 前方处 B. 两侧 C. 上方处 D. 显眼处 [单选题]能辨别面额,票面剩余( ),其图案、文字能按原样连接的残缺、污损人民币,金融机构应向持有人按原面额全额兑换。
A.二分之一(含二分之一)以上 B.四分之三(含四分之三)以上 C.五分之三(含五分之三)以上 [判断题]业务繁忙时,网点综合柜员可以办理对账单核验。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交