A.废用性萎缩 | B.压迫性萎缩 |
C.神经性萎缩 | D.营养不良性萎缩 |
E.生理性萎缩 |
Anxious behavior befalls us all at one time or another, yet it doesn’t have to be an ongoing issue. Many stress-relievers exist to bring our nerves back into alignment again, so let’s take a look at how our nervous system handles anxiety, and how we can use a few home remedies for anxiety to calm down a bit. {{B}}Quashing the Quivers{{/B}} Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their lives. Perhaps you’re sitting in your doctor’s waiting room, anticipating the horse-sized needle and your doctor is waiting for you on the other side of the door. Or maybe you’ve spent all day cooking, but the look on your mother-in-law’s face says your best efforts were wasted. Or maybe you really hate your job. Anxiety can be short-or long-lived, depending on its source. The more long-la A. heart disorders B. stress C. anemia D. insomnia [单选题]扑救高层建筑火灾的战术要求是( )(易)
A.以固为主,固移结合 B.内攻近战 C.救人第一 D.上堵下防 [单选题]贷款人应建立完善的( ),落实具体的责任部门和岗位,全面审查流动资金贷款的风险因素。(1分)
A.信用测评机制 B.风险评价机制 C.审查权限范围 D.责任分工机制 [单选题] 以下属于反映企业经营结果的是()。
A.资产 B.利润 C.负债 D.所有者权益 。 [多选题]行政强制的设定和实施,应当依照法定的( )
A.权限 B.范围 C.条件 D.程序 [判断题]调试、试验过程中有人下车作业时,动车前调试负责人须确认所有人员已上车,方可告知司机动车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]保和丸中配伍连翘的主要用意是
A. 清热 B. 解毒 C. 除烦 D. 散结 [单项选择]
A. An insurance package for foreign companies. B. Insurance plans designed for foreign employees. C. A position in his company that she may apply for. D. Products manufactured by one of his friends. [单项选择]在空载情况下()。
A. 横向稳定性好 B. 纵向稳定性好 C. 纵横向稳定性均好 D. 纵向稳定性差 [判断题](2018年)不考虑其他因素的影响,通货膨胀一般导致市场利率下降,从而降低筹资难度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](136~137题共用题干)刘先生,76岁,慢性支气管炎。5天未排便,腹痛、腹胀。按医给予灌肠。灌肠后病人需保留液体的时间是( )
A.5~10分钟 B.10~20分钟 C.30分钟 D.40~50分钟 E.1小时以上 [单项选择]下列哪项不属于“任务前”教学步骤与方法的是( )。
A. 创设任务情境 B. 呈现学习的任务 C. 展示成果 D. 联系相关知识 [多选题]【营销信息】模块中的意向业务能看见哪些基本信息。
A.客户名称 B.证件号码 C.借款金额 D.贷款期限 E.联系电话 F.申请日期及借款用途 [判断题]铁路电子客票是以电子数据形式体现的铁路旅客运输合同,与纸质车票具有同等法律效力。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交