What do we mean (21)
a perfect English pronunciation In one sense there are as many
different kinds of English as there arc speakers of it. (22)
two speakers speak in exactly the same way. We can always hear
differences (23) them, and the pronunciation of English
varies a great deal in different geographical (24) . How do
we decide what sort of English to use (25) a model This is
not a question that can be (26) in the same way for all
foreign learners of English. When you live in a part of the world like India or
West Africa, (27) there is a long (28) of
speaking English A. that B. where C. which D. when [判断题]对支持绝缘子,加均压环能提高闪络电压的原因是改善电极附近电场分布。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]业务核算人员按照业务操作、审批权限的不同分为()。
A. 柜员和值班经理 B. 记帐员和复核员 C. 操作员和审批人员 D. 业务经办人员和业务授权人员 [简答题]
The process of entering the confines of political and economic power can be pictured as a system in which persons are chosen from a political elite pool. 46) In this reservoir of possible leaders are the individuals with the skills, education, and other qualifications needed to fill elite positions. It is here that competition does exist, that the highest achievers do display their abilities, and that the best qualified do generally succeed. Here, what is more important is entering this reservoir of qualified people. [单选题]眼内容物包括:( )。
A.房水、晶体和玻璃体 B.房水、角膜和睫状体 C.角膜、晶体和睫状体 D.虹膜、角膜和睫状体 [判断题]受行政机关委托实施行政处罚的组织必须是依法成立的管理公共事务的事业组织。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在电阻并联的电路中,电路总电阻等于各并联电阻之和。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]从下面关于虚拟设备的论述中选择一条正确的论述。( )
A.虚拟设备是指允许用户使用比系统中具有的物理设备更多的设备。 B.虚拟设备是指允许用户以标准方式来使用物理设备。 C.虚拟设备是指把一个物理设备变换成多个对应的逻辑设备。 D.虚拟设备是指允许用户程序不必全部装入内存就可使用系统中的设备。 [多选题]对再审案件的在押被告人可凭( )收押人犯。
A.人民法院《决定再审裁定书》(副本) B.人民检察院的抗诉书 C.人民法院的押票 D.其他法律文书和证明文书 [单选题]《十大安全原则和十大禁令承诺管理办法》规定:严禁未经许可进行受限空间和动火作业。一旦违反,( )。
A.解除劳动合同 B.干部免职、员工下岗 C.造成事故,解除劳动合同 [单选题]电网规划必须坚持统一规划,打破行政区域界限,努力实现最大范围内的资源优化配置。电网规划应该在引导包括( )的电源建设和电力市场消费方面发挥作用。( )
A.结构和布点 B.结构 C.布点 [判断题]柱上变压器台架工作前,若变压器的低压侧无法装设接地线或装设过程无法保持与高压带电部分安全距离,应将高压设备停电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]基金管理人与托管人之间是( )的关系。
A.相互依赖 B.相互促进 C.相互竞争 D.相互制衡 我来回答: 提交