The day was star-crossed: Friday the 13th in the month of October, on the eve of the second looming anniversary of a devastating market crash. "I’m telling you, psychology is really funny. People get crazy in situations like that," said portfolio strategist Elaine Garzarelli. Last week Friday the 13th lived up to its frightful reputation. After drifting lower at a sleepy pace for most of the day, the Dow Jones industrial average abruptly lurched into a hair-raising sky dive in the final hour of trading.
The Bush Administration moved swiftly to avert any sense of crisis after the market closed. Declared Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady: "It’s important to recognize that today’s stock market decline doesn’t signal any fundamental change in the condition of the economy. The economy remains well balanced, and the outlook is for continued moderate growth." But Massachusetts Democrat Edward Markey, who chairs a House subcommittee on
A. stock-market decline
B. junk-bond market
C. enormous acquisitions
D. corporate profits
When an invention is made, the inventor
has three possible (41) of action open to him: he can give
the invention to the world by publishing it, keep the idea (42)
, or patent it. A (43) patent is the result of a bargain (44) between an inventor and the state, but the inventor gets a limited period of monopoly and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period (45) . Only in the most exceptional circumstances (46) the lifespan of a patent (47) to alter this normal process of events. The A. with B. off C. before D. from [单选题]对于快速 IRS 校准: 在快速校准过程中,IRS 将地速和一些内部过滤器复位为零,但是 IRS 不估算飞机的位置。 飞行机组设置 IR 方式选择器到 OFF,然后在( )内回到 NAV 方式。
A. 3 s B. 5 s C. 7 s D. 10 s [单选题]下列对我行“以出让方式取得建设用地使用权抵押”描述正确的是()。
A.可以用地上建筑物单独抵押 B.可以单独以土地使用权抵押 C.该土地上建筑物及其他地上附着物一并抵押 D.以上都正确。 [单项选择]能量多普勒的优点是()
A. 帧频更高 B. 对微弱的多普勒信号更敏感 C. 计算流速更准确 D. 计算流量更准确 E. 混叠 [单选题]关于指挥视频会议的组建,在会议召开前,可以为设备进行会议的授权,下列哪一项不是会议权限( )?
A.主持人 B.与会者 C.3G手机网关 D.电视电话会议网关 [判断题]根据《河南省高速公路数字化视频监控设备联网技术要求》规定高速公路视频监控系统中NVR/DVR设备支持的最大存储容量应不低于10TB。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]正常运行时,避雷器应不动作。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )用人单位应对产生严重职业病危害的作业岗位,应当在其醒目位置,设置警示标识和中文警示说明。警示说明应当载明产生职业病危害的种类、后果、预防以及应急救治措施等内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]监控系统能定期提供被监控对象的性能数据报告,应能产生规定的各种()
A. 统计资料 B. 图表 C. 机历卡 D. 交接班日志 [多选题]答案:E类火灾(带电火灾)可选用什么类型的灭火器()
A.水基型(水雾)灭火器 B.ABC干粉灭火器 C.BC干粉灭火器 D.金属喇叭喷筒CO2灭火器 [单项选择]假设中国到美国国际长途赞为18.4元/分钟,市话费为0.34元/分钟,Internet的使用费用为10元/小时。如果国内某Internet用户通过电话网接入本地ISP,浏览位于美国的一台WWW服务器,共访问了30分钟,那么用户需要支付的费用为多少( )。
A. 15.2元 B. 2元 C. 557元 D. 552元 [简答题]什么是等音?等音是怎样产生的?
[填空题]CRH380B 型动车组救援运行限速 ( )。
A.救治 B.拨打110电话 C.联系医疗机构 D.处理 [单选题]按标准化仓库定置管理规定,各级仓库根据业务需要设置仓储区和作业区,下列不属于仓储区的是( )
A.装卸区 B.料棚区 C.堆放区 D.货架区 我来回答: 提交