In the last half of the nineteenth
century "capital" and "labour" were enlarging and perfecting their rival
organisations on modern lines. Many an old firm was replaced by a limited
liability company with a bureaucracy of salaried managers. The change met the
technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element
and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of
family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders. It
was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and
municipal and state-owned business. The railway companies, though still private
business managed for the benefit of shareholders, were very unlike old family
business. At the same time the great municipalities went into business to supply
l A. the shareholders did not care about the needs of the workers B. the paid managers did not have better understanding of their workers than old family owners did C. the larger size of modem companies made personal relations more complex D. the trade unions helped to preserve the equality of workers with the paid managers [单选题]
砌体结构水平缝的砂浆饱满度不得低于( ) (承重空心砖砌体除外) A.95% B.90% C.85% D.80% [多项选择]群体公众心理定势的典型表现有()
A. 时尚 B. 流言 C. 舆论 D. 习俗 E. 谣言 [多项选择]甲购买一辆汽车,在开回的路上,因刹车失灵而翻车受伤。在此情形下,他可以请求谁承担何种责任?()
A. 请求商家承担违约责任 B. 请求厂家同时承担违约和侵权责任 C. 请求厂家承担侵权责任 D. 请求厂家承担侵权责任,同时请求商家承担违约责任 [名词解释]游戏法和比赛法
[判断题]( )当自动变速器警告灯亮时,应先检查自动变速器超速挡开关是否在“ON”位置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]【节能减排知识】鼓风机、引风机、循环水泵、补水泵的调节宜采用变频调速装置。
A.是 B.否 [单选题]若希望实现三相异步电动机的向上向下平滑调速,则应采用( )。
A.串转子电阻调速方案 B.串定子电阻调速方案 C.调频调速方案 D.变磁极对数调速方案 [判断题]中央和本地ATS均显示故障时,按电话联系法组织。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]紫外线对人的伤害主要是人的眼角膜和人体皮肤。
·Read the text below about opinions on local group business. ·In most of the lines 34--45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. ·If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. ·If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.
{{B}}Shop-local Group Offers Economic Impact Figures{{/B}}
Can If consumers in Hillsborough County can limited their spending on one Saturday Correct to independent, locally owned businesses instead of chain stores, more than 34 $17 million would even remain in the local economy instead of being shipped to 35 outside corporations as overnight deposits. So it say representatives of the 36 Tampa Independent Business Alliance, who base their calculation on studies that 37 made by the American Independent Bus [单选题]各级人民政府及其有关部门应当采取多种形式,加强对有关安全生产的法律、法规和安全生产知识的宣传,增强全社会的()意识。
A.危机 B.安全生产 C.效益 D.大局 [单选题] 党的各级领导班子决定重要事项,应当进行表决表决采用口头、举手、无记名或记名投票等方式表决结果和表决方式应当( )。
A.记录在案 B.向全体党员公布 C.向社会公布 D.报上级党组织备案 [单选题]346.[单选] 操作小复位:司机在主控端司机室操作断VCB、降下受电弓,操作[VCB]开关置“VCB断”位保持至少( )。
A.A.7秒 B.B.8秒 C.C.9秒 D.D.10秒 [单选题]法律草案修改稿经各代表团审议,由法律委员会根据各代表团的审议意见进行修改,提出法律草案表决稿,由主席团提请大会全体会议表决,由全体代表的( )通过。
A.三分之一 B.三分之二 C.过半数 D.全体 [判断题]对于某些工作任务,由培训过的、有能力的人员来从事,可不需每次都作书面的风险评价。但这仅仅适用于那些低风险工作任务,如上下楼梯,爬梯子,在非限制区域内抄录读数等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在规划设计阶段,新建换流站除配置固定式灭火系统外,还应至少配置(____)移动式消防设备。
A.1台 B.2台 C.3台 D.4台 [不定项选择题]A期货公司与甲客户签订期货经纪合同,但对下达交易的指令未作约定。甲客户因临时出差,便委托朋友乙客户为其下达交易指令,但是并没有签发授权委托书,后A期货公司按照乙客户的交易指令为甲客户下单。由于乙客户对行情判断失误,造成甲客户的巨额亏损,甲客户出差回来对亏损不予承认,要求期货公司赔偿损失。下列关于责任承担的说法,正确的是( )。
A.如果期货公司不能证明其所进行的交易是依据客户交易指令进行的,对该交易造成客户的损失,期货公司应当承担赔偿责任 B.期货公司执行乙客户的交易指令造成客户损失,应当由期货公司承担赔偿责任,乙承担连带责任 C.期货公司执行乙的交易指令造成客户损失,应当由乙承担赔偿责任,期货公司承担连带责任 D.期货公司执行乙的交易指令造成客户损失,应当由甲客户、乙客户和期货公司共同承担损失 我来回答: 提交