"What a difference a word makes " The
issue of semantics (语义学) has been an ongoing complaint against the media, which
has been characterized by an increasing level of sensationalism and
irresponsible reporting over the years, fostered by increasingly-fierce
competition and struggle for wider distributions and readerships. A focal point for the criticism is the coverage of high-profile criminal cases. With such headlines as "Mr. X Arrest for First-degree Murder" prominently displayed across the front page, it has been argued that such provocative language influences public opinion, causing premature assumptions of guilt before the matter can be properly and legally decided in a court of law. The power of the media to influence public opinion and, by extension, legal and political perceptions, has long been established A. the future of the media is one of truthfulness and accuracy B. a shift in public opinion will cause the media to change its habits in reporting C. in order for the media to change in a positive direction, the industry itself must desire the change D. if public opinion and buying habits continue to favor sensationalism, papers will continue to exaggerate and misrepresent [单选题]城市给排水柔性管道的沟槽回填质量控制中,设计的管基有效支承角()范围必须用中粗砂填充密实。
A.2a+30。 B.2a+60。 C.a+60。 D.a+30。 [判断题]现场勘察后,现场勘察记录应送交工作负责人及相关方,作为填写、签发工作票等的依据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]水泥剂量应在( )测定,石灰剂量应在路拌后尽快测试,否则应用相应龄期的标准曲线确定。[单选题]
A..水泥终凝前 B..达7天龄期时 C..水泥稳定土硬化后 D..达规定龄期时 [单选题]10kV和0.4kV同杆架设的电力线路验电时,应先高压后低压。
A. B. C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单项选择]( )包括项目需要占用的重要资源品种、数量及来源情况;分析评价项目建设是否会对地表(下)水等其他资源造成不利影响等。
A. 资源开发方案 B. 资源调查方案 C. 资源利用方案 D. 资源节约方案 我来回答: 提交