The first intimation, apparently, was
when three-year-old Yves told his mother that her shoes did not go with her
dress. They were at home in Oran, a dull commercial town in French-ruled
Algeria, where Yves’s father sold insurance and ran a chain of cinemas, and Mrs.
Mathieu-Saint-Laurent cut an elegant figure in colonial society. Oran had once
enjoyed some small renown as the westernmost outpost of the Ottoman empire, and
was to gain more later as the setting for Albert Camus’s "The Plague". But after
1936 it had a genius in the making. So, at any rate, the tribute-payers are saying. "Pure genius", "the world’s greatest fashion designer", "the most important designer of the. 20th century": such superlatives have been lavished on Yves Saint Laurent for years, and perhaps they are not meant to be taken A. showman. B. artist. C. painter. D. designer. [填空题]依据《建筑构件稳态热阻传递性质测定标定和防护热箱法》GB/T13475-2008,标定热箱法的试件最小尺寸是()。
A. Liebermann-Burchard反 B. Kedde反 C. Raymond反应 D. Baljet反应 E. Molish反应 [多选题]绝缘杆作业法更换直线杆绝缘子及横担作业前,需用绝缘电阻表进行绝缘检测的工具有( )。
A.绝缘操作杆 B.绝缘遮蔽用具 C.绝缘绳 D.绝缘手套 [判断题]氧化皮相对与低碳钢是阳极
[判断题]内攻人员乘坐消防电梯登高时,要停靠在着火层下两层,严禁停靠着火层或穿越着火层。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]坚持党的先进性的决定性因素是( )
A. 坚持党的思想路线,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 B. 贯彻实施依法治国的基本方略 C. 注重在工人阶级中发展党员 D. 坚持为群众办好事、办实事 [多选题]下列属于注册安全工程师职责范围的工作有( )
A.参与本单位的生产安全事故调查 B.参与本单位安全生产隐患排查 C.参与本单位职工职业病鉴定 D.参与制定本单位安全生产制度制订 E.参与本单位的劳动防护用品的选用 [单选题]办理软座变硬卧时代用票事由栏填写( )。
A.变座 B.变卧 C.变铺 D.座变卧 [判断题] 锅炉起动时,上水至最高水位,锅炉停炉后,保持最低可见水位
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]党必须按照( )的原则,在同级各种组织中发挥领导核心作用。
A.民主集中制 B.总揽全局、协调各方 C.四项基本原则 D.统筹协调 我来回答: 提交