More than a year has passed since the
space shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over central Texas. This past January
President Bush announced a long-term program of space exploration that would
return human beings to the Moon, and thereafter send them to Mars and beyond. As
this magazine (Natural History) goes to press, the twin Mars Exploration Rovers,
Spirit and Opportunity, are wowing the scientists and engineers at the rovers’
birthplace--NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)--with their skills as robotic
field geologists. JPL’s official rover Web site is being stampeded by visitors.
The confluence of these and other events resurrects a perennial debate: with two
shuttle failures out of 112 missions, and the astronomical expense of the manned
space program, can sending people into space be justified, or should robots do
the jo A. hacked severely B. clicked frequently C. closed forever D. neglected purposely [判断题]机械设备的安全防护装置有损坏时,为节约资金,可不修复,但使用时要倍加小心
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]--You didn′ t attend the party lastnight?
--No, I ___________, for the party was putoff for some reason.
A.couldn' t have B.needn' t have C.didn't need to D.don't have to [单选题]某医院护理部制订了对新人职护士的岗前培训,内容不包括
A.医院简介 B.科室规章制度 C.医院组织体系 D.护理基本技术操作要求 E.专业知识 [判断题] 没收财产时,可以不给犯罪分子个人及其扶养的家属保留必需的生活费用
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]取消高速公路省界收费站后,非 ETC 用户车辆如何通行?( )( )
A.非 ETC 车辆驶入高速公路时在入口收费站领取通行卡 B.直接不停车通过省界收费站 C.驶出高速公路时在出口收费站交还通行卡并交纳全路程通行费 D.如果通行卡丢失或人为损坏,收费员核实情况收取通行费,用户需赔偿通行卡工本费 [判断题]会计资料的真实性和完整性,是会计资料最基本的质量要求,是会计工作的生命。( )
A. 全国人民代表大会可以改变或者撤销香港特别行政区制定的法律规定 B. 全国人民代表大会常委会有权改变或者撤销国务院制定的同宪法、法律相抵触的行政法规 C. 全国人民代表大会常委会有权撤销直辖市国家权力机关制定的同宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触的地方性法规,但不能改变 D. 全国人民代表大会常委会有权对最高人民法院的错误判决进行宪法监督,但不能改变或撤销判决 [单项选择]因纳税义务人违反规定需要追征税款的,适用______之日实施的税率,行为发生之日不能确定的,适用______之日实施的税率。
A. 该行为发生,纳税义务人向海关申报 B. 该行为发生,海关发现该行为 C. 运输工具进境,纳税义务人向海关申报 D. 运输工具进境,海关发现该行为 [多选题]两严两准包括()
A.A、准现役 B.B、准军事化 C.C、严肃的纪律 D.D、严密的组织 [判断题]CRH1动车组主风缸压力降至低于3.8巴时,停车制动开始自动施加,直至主风缸压力降至0巴时,完全施加了停车制动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]设置文档修订打印纸张方向为强制横向并设置文档属性为打印文档的附加信息。
A. 婴幼儿 B. 儿童 C. 青少年 D. 成人年 E. 老年人 [简答题]It was________________(此时) that the very teacher appeared.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]泥浆在泥浆护壁成孔灌注施工中的作用只是防止塌孔。
[判断题]( )离心泵的水力损失包括冲击损失、旋涡损失和沿程摩阻损失。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 锅炉燃料可以分为()。
A. 固体燃料 B. 蒸汽燃料 C. 液体燃料 D. 气体燃料 [单选题]蚊虫叮咬可外用 ( )
A. 硫磺软膏 B. 炉甘石洗剂 C. 肤轻松软膏 D. 水杨酸醑 E. 制霉菌素 [单选题]把密文变成明文的过程,叫作[ ]。
A.A、加密 B.B、密钥 C.C、解密 D.D、加密算法 [单选题]高血压病人发生慢性心力衰竭的主要原因是( )。
A.血流缓慢 B.心室后负荷过重 C.心室前负荷过重 D.心肌收缩力减弱 E.心室舒张充盈受限 [单项选择]不足额保险合同的保险金额()保险事故发生时保险标的的实际价值
A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 等于 D. 大于或等于 [单选题]Text 2 The contempt of artists for critics is,of course,understandable.To create an artwork is to give the world a kind of gift,and no one likes having a gifi rejected,or even inspected too carefully.In a sense,artists who condemn criticism are relying on the old idea that"it's the thought that counts":Because the intention of the giver is generous and pure,any criticizing about the gift is cruelly small-minded.Yet as anyone who has received an ill-fitting or unsuitable gift knows,the thought is not the only thing that counts.Once a work of art emerges from its creator's study or studio,it becomes the possession of anyone who interacts with it,and therefore it is open to judgment:Do I actually derive pleasure and enlightenment from it?There is no way to evade this question,which is the foundation of all criticism.Every reader or viewer or listener asks it,whether they want to or not.A critic is just a reader or viewer or listener who makes the question explicit and tries to answer it publicly,for the benefit of other potential readers or viewers or listeners.No one gets to be president without wanting to write his or her name in large letters on the American psyche,but most presidents at least gesture in the direction of humility and public service.President Trump,however,has never been anything but straightforward about his egotism.He made his reputation in real estate by splashing his name in gold on almost every structure he built;now he hangs a map of his electoral victory on the White House wall.When the terms of his achievement are so personal,how could criticism fail to strike him as an egoistic injury?There is a danger when we see criticism as nothing but an expression of resentment.For in politics,as in art,the right to criticize is really the right to make an independent judgment of reality.Democracy relies on a citizenry informed and active enough to make such judgments;in a democracy,we are all critics.How to live with criticism is perhaps the hardest lesson that a liberal democracy teaches its citizens.No one really welcomes it,neither the left nor the right."If we are free to loathe Trump,xve are free to loathe his most loyal voters,"wrote Frank Rich in New York magazine in March.But as soon as our critics become our enemies-voices to be silenced and dismissed,rather than listened to-we have left the realm of politics behind 29.According to the last paragraph,a liberal demOCfacy
A.always welcome criticism. an expression of resentment. C.are hardly accepted by anyone. D.should endure criticism. [判断题]顶杆及叉杆只能用于竖立10m以下的拔梢杆。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高处作业人员在高处进行水平移动时应使用(____)。
A.速差自控器 B.二道防护绳 C.水平安全绳 D.攀登自锁器 [单项选择]We sometimes hear that essays are an old-fashioned form. that so-and-so is the "last essayist", but the facts of the marketplace argue quite otherwise. Essays of nearly any kind are so much easier than short stories for a writer to sell, so many more see print, it’’s strange that though two fine anthologies (collections)remain that publish the year’’s best stories, no comparable collection exists for essays. Such changes in the reading public’’s taste aren’’t always to the good, needless to say. The art of telling stories predated even cave painting, surely; and if we ever find ourselves living in caves again, it (with painting and drumming)will be the only art left, after movies, novels, photography, essays ,biography, and all the rest have gone down the drain―the art to build from.
Essays, however, hang somewhere on a line between two sturdy poles: this is what I think, and this is what I am. Autobiographies which aren’’t novels are generally extended essays, indeed. A personal es
A. the different amount of words used in representation. B. the acute sensibility and keen insight of essayists. C. the distinction between animal and vegetable worlds. D. the variation of arguments about their meanings. [单选题]链条(手扳)葫芦的制动装置禁止沾染()。
A.水分 B.油脂 C.灰尘 D.酒精 [判断题]会计核算软件应该提供在账务处理模块中自动生成的机内记账凭证进行修改的功能。( )
[单选题]高压电力电缆需停电的工作,应填用( )工作票。
A.第一种 B.第二种 C.事故紧急抢修单 D.带电作业 [单选题] 职工形象包括职工的思想素质、文化程度、职业道德、技术水平、法纪观念( )
和仪表服饰等。 A.外在气质 B.精神风貌 C.时代风貌 D.外在面貌 我来回答: 提交