On the last shopping day before
Christmas, stores across the United States were busy but not jam-packed as
shoppers scrambled for last-minute gifts, even though some refused to admit it.
At Boston’s Copley Mall, a small crowd gathered outside the main entrance of
luxury department store Neiman Marcus, but no one waiting for the store to open
would admit to being a last-minute shopper. "I’m really here to use a gift
certificate and get something for myself and maybe someone else with what’s left
over," said Matt Doran, who lives in Boston and had been waiting since 8:30 a.m.
for the store’s 10 a.m. opening. Ilya Polykoff, who moved to Boston from Russia,
said he was waiting "because I had the day off and I wanted to get some
perfume." But he insisted that he was really shopping early because for him
Chri A. A.cheery B.fetish C.joyous D.merry [判断题]车辆运行时,应发出红色闪光与轰鸣等警示信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( ) 按《t油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:液气分离器安装在节流管汇J10..外侧的专用基础上,用不少于3..根5../8..″的钢丝绳套相对均布固定;进液管线使用( )由壬专用硬管线;
A.10..” B.2..” C.6..” D.4..” [判断题]消防员呼救器后场接收装置采用有线通信方式,对进入现场的消防员呼救器状态进行监控,显示预报警、报警、手动报警和温度报警等状态信息。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]邪入少阳型经行感冒的主症是
A. 胸胁苦满 B. 每于经期出现寒热往来 C. 舌淡苔白脉浮数 D. 口苦咽干,头晕目眩 E. 默默不欲饮食 [多选题] 根据相关规范,钢结构变形检测的内容有()。
A.结构整体垂直度 B.结构整体平面弯曲 C. 构件垂直度、弯曲变形 D.跨中挠度 E.平面位置偏差 [单选题]知识的基本单位是( )
A.概念 B.表象 C.概念和表象 D.符号 [判断题]库房现金实物余额要与ABIS系统账务记录保持一致。
[单选题] 小型打磨机打磨钢轨后,Vmax>120km/h ,钢轨焊缝凹陷应小于( )mm。
A..3 B..5 C. 1 D..2 [单选题]关于结肠的叙述,错误的是
A.结肠右曲也称为肝曲 B.结肠左曲也称为脾曲 C.乙状结肠好发憩室和恶性肿瘤 D.降结肠属于腹膜外位器官 E.横结肠属于腹膜内位器官 [填空题]合肥一号线全线共设 座车站,最长区间为 ,长度 m;最短区间为 ,长度为 m。
[单选题]液气大钳液压马达或油泵过热时要检查( )
A.大刹带 B.液压油沾度 C.溢流阀阀芯 D.气源压力 [单项选择]露天矿边坡的危险最主要是()
A. 滑坡 B. 孤石的崩落 C. 边坡滚石 D. 泥石流 [单项选择]