Over the past several years, I have interviewed
dozens of senior executives of Fortune 1,000 companies and asked two questions:
"Is there information that would help you run your company far better if you had
it in real time, and, if m, what is it " Without exception, they answered yes to
the first question, then ticked off the one to three items they wanted. Dave
Dorman at AT&T said he wanted real-time customer transaction information,
such as contract renewals and cancellations. Rick Wagoner at GM wanted real-time
progress reports on new vehicle development. Others on his senior team wanted
certain narrowly defined data on product quality and prod A. concerns customers and business transactions. B. is helpful to these companies. C. means different things in different professions. D. provides practical information. [单项选择]青霉素敏感的细菌不包括( )
A. 产生青霉素酶的金葡菌 B. 溶血性链球菌 C. 钩端螺旋体 D. 脑膜炎球菌 E. 百日咳杆菌 [单选题]营门警卫人员,应当检查出入营门人员的证件和()。
A.队容风纪 B.仪容仪表 C.通行证 D.请假条 [单项选择]成本核算的主要工作是定义成本要素。对IT部门而言,理想的方法应该是按照()定义成本要素结构。
A. 客户满意度 B. 产品组合 C. 组织结构 D. 服务要素结构 [多项选择]某企业在财产清查中,发现短缺设备一台,账面原值30000元,已计提折旧10000元,在报经批准前企业应作会计分录的借方为______。
A. “待处理财产损溢”30000元 B. “营业外支出”20000元 C. “累计折旧”10000元 D. “待处理财产损溢”20000元 [简答题]建立民族乡有些什么积极的作用?
[单项选择]从多个可能的方案中选择一个被执行的方案是在施工管理的( )环节进行。
A. 执行 B. 决策 C. 筹划 D. 检查 [多选题]省级消防指挥中心可利用有线或无线通信网,进行( )。( 中 )
A.话音通信 B.数据通信 C.简易通信 D.图像通信 E.同步通信 [判断题]工作地点,应停电的线路和设备包括工作地段内有可能反送电的各分支线(包括用户)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]IEC61970CIS分成()个级别。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]{{B}}第三篇{{/B}}