We know a computer is a machine that processes data (stored in main memory) into information, under control of a stored program. We also know that, internally, a computer is a binary machine; thus the data and the program instruictions must be stored in binary form. Characters are represented in (71) . Numbers are stored as binary numbers, with each bit’s positional value significant. A computer’s main memory is divided into bytes, words or both (depending on the system), and each of these basic storage units is assigned an (72) . Using this address, the processor can read or write selected bytes or words.
The processor consists of a clock, an instruction control unit, an arithmetic and logic unit, and registers. Once a program is stored in main memory, the processor can begin to execute it. During (73) , the instruction control unit fetches an instruction from main memory; during (74) , the arithmetic and logic unit executes it.
A. E-time
B. I-time
C. cycle time
D. run time
Since there is such an abundance of
food in the sea, it is understandable that some of the efficient, highly
adaptable, warm-blooded mammals that {{U}} (67) {{/U}} on land should
have returned to the sea. Those that {{U}} (68) {{/U}} have flourished.
Within about 50 million years--{{U}} (69) {{/U}} time at all,
geologically speaking--one of the four kinds of mammals that has {{U}} (70)
{{/U}} to a marine environment has developed into the largest of all animal
{{U}} (71) {{/U}}, the whale. A second kind, the seal, has produced what
is probably the greatest population of large carnivorous mammals on
Earth. This suggests that these "top dogs" of the ocean are {{U}} (72) {{/U}} and multiplying. {{U}} (73) {{/U}}, such has not been the case, at ieast not for the last 150 years. Trouble has closed in {{U}} (74) {{/U}} these mammals in t A. specialties B. species C. kinds D. animals [单选题]业主项目管理机构应组织各参建单位结合实际情况编制应急预案,落实应急组织、程序、资源及措施,监督参建单位开展应急培训和应急演练,检查落实应急队伍和应急物资装备。
A.高挂高用 B.高挂低用 C.低挂高用 D.低挂低用 [单选题]下列不属于法律服务队伍的是()。
A.法官 B.律师 C.公证员 D.法律服务志愿者 [单选题]“嫦娥”三号登月探测器于2013年12月2日在()卫星发射中心发射。
A. 文昌 B. 西昌 C. 酒泉 [判断题]劳动既是公民的基本权利,也是公民的义务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工作人员不准在SF6设备防爆膜附近停留。若在巡视中发现异常情况,应( )。
A.A.立即报告 B.B.查明原因 C.C.立即停电处理 D.D.采取有效措施进行处理 [单选题]轿顶防护栏的作用是( )。A.装饰作用;B.平衡轿厢、对中重量;C.保护维修人员安全;D.悬挂标志牌
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]控制电缆拆除时,电缆芯可以单端拆除。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]地基基础回填土下陷的检修决策是( )。
A.夯实或采取其它地基加固措施 B.重新嵌填 C.加固处理 D.局部修理或重做 [单选题]在一定时期内,劳动力供给具有相对稳定性,就业主要取决于劳动力需求。下列因素中,与人力资源需求无关的是( )。
A.就业弹性 B.人口结构 C.就业结构 D.技术进步 [单项选择]下列哪项可辅助诊断子宫性闭经
A. 雌激素试验阴性 B. 雌激素试验阳性 C. 孕激素试验阴性 D. 孕激素试验阳性 E. 垂体兴奋试验阴性 我来回答: 提交