某喷漆车间女工,年龄27岁,工龄5年,近期发现月经血量增多,化验白细胞数量4000×109/L。 |
导致该女工月经异常的有害因素是( )
A. 铅
B. 苯
C. 二硫化碳
D. 噪声、振动
E. 三氯乙烯
[单选题]对于额定能量为100-160Wh的大型锂离子电池,在征得承运人同意,并做好保护措施后,每人携带备用锂电池的数量不得超过( )。
A. 肾上腺皮质肿瘤产生大量糖皮质激素
B. 垂体瘤分泌大量的ACTH,引起肾上腺皮质增生
C. 长期服用大量的糖皮质激素,引起向心性肥胖
D. 异位ACTH所致的肾上腺皮质增生
E. 不依赖ACTH的肾上腺瘤结节增生
A. 光源发射线的半宽度要比吸收线的半宽度小得多
B. 光源发射线的半宽度要与吸收线的半宽度相当
C. 吸收线的半宽度要比光源发射线的半宽度小得多
D. 单色器能分辨出发射谱线,即单色器必须有很高的分辨率
[填空题]What is kinesicsRaymond Birdwhistle said that the meaning of non-verbal behavior depends on the context. Give two examples of the meaning of smile.
[单选题]【技能鉴定2019 中级工】绝缘子盐密测量原则上在( )进行。
[填空题]You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on
Reading Passage 1 below.
You Are Here: How Digital Maps Are Changing the Landscape of
the 21st Century
A Buried beneath
November’s headlines depicting rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula, European
economic woes, and the disclosure of confidential State Department cables, a
meaningful geopolitical event went largely overlooked: Nicaragua invaded Costa
Rica. There was no shooting war and the incident involved only a small swath of
disputed territory along the San Juan River, part of which divides the two
nations. But a Nicaraguan commander added an interesting wrinkle to the
narrative when he dragged an unlikely culprit into the dispute: Google. The
commander cited Google Maps, which had erroneously depicted a stretch of the
border in Nicaragua’s favour by as much as 1.7 miles. Google quickly moved to
amend the faulty border data and sportingly apologised.
The incident raises some interesting issues concerning the future of mapmaking
that, thus far, our brave new digital world hasn’t yet been forced to confront.
Whereas cartography—particularly the act (or the art) of drawing political lines
on geographical charts—used to be the purview of nations and international
bodies, commercial entities like Google, Bing, Mapquest, and other digital
services are the principal mapmakers of the 21st century.
C Orbiting GeoEye satellites and camera-equipped Google sedans are the
Magellans of the digital age, dispatched to explore and catalogue—and most
importantly make public—unprecedented amounts of geographical data via the Web.
If anyone wants to locate anything—be it a coffee house, a post office, or an
international boundary users log into Google or Bing, not the U.N. or the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS). But these commercial maps are compiled from a variety
of sources and often blend government-derived mapping data with user-generated
content. As such, they are subject to conflicting information, differences of
political opinion and—as the Nicaraguan incident shows—outright error.
D ’With a lot of these web-based tools, the need for formal
training in cartography is going away, and that’s both a good thing and a bad
thing,’ says Dr. Brian Tomaszewski, an assistant professor in the Department of
Information Sciences & Technologies at the Rochester Institute of
Technology. It’s good because it creates rich, centralised data compilations
that users constantly update. But before that can happen, someone like Google
has to build the underlying map, and there’s no single source or authority for
global map data to draw from. That leaves companies in the unenviable position
of trying to pick and choose the best data and massage it to fit a single
geographical template.
E In the case of Nicaragua, it
turns out that data was simply incorrect. A post on Google’s ’Lat Long Blog’
explained the error: ’Yesterday we became aware of a dispute that referenced the
border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua as depicted on Google Maps. This
morning, after a discussion with the data supplier for this particular border
(the U.S. Department of State), we determined that there was indeed an error in
the compilation of the source data, by up to 2.7 kilometres.’
F Viewed on Google Maps, however, an incorrect border looks like any other
border, and if the U.S. State Department (and, more importantly, Google) says
the border is in one place, who is Costa Rica to say it’s not In strict
cartographic sense, the treaty that originally established the border is the
final word. But no one locates a border by reading a 150-year-old treaty; people
find borders by looking at maps, and in the 21st century people consult maps by
opening their Web browsers.
G ’We look at the computer
and say "how can it be wrong, it’s on the computer",’ says Dr. Frank Galgano,
professor and chairman of Villanova University’s Geography and the Environment
Department. It’s to the computer that the world increasingly turns to find just
about everything, lending digital mapmakers incredible power to shape users’
geospatial perceptions.
H What’s largely missing is the
healthy skepticism that users apply to other piecemeal compendia of information
like Wikipedia, Galgano says. Google knows its maps contain errors; it says so
in the user agreement (you read that closely, didn’t you). For those people
searching for the nearest Starbucks in Manhattan these errors are largely
negligible. But for an American hiking near the Iranian border, they can lead to
miscalculations with serious consequences.
I ’People are
forgetting to use common sense and critical thinking,’ Tomaszewski says. ’Google
Maps isn’t an official mapping agency like a government. They buy or acquire
data and then assemble it into a map. It’s almost frightening to think that
militaries or governments might rely on Google as the final word on boundaries
or borders between nations.’
J But there are a variety of
reasons why a government or military might do so, not least of which is the lack
of anything better. In the United States, the USGS maintains an extensive
collection of publicly available map data accurate down to about 130 feet. Many
other nations treat their official maps as state secrets. Still others don’t
have the resources to produce accurate maps at all. That makes commercial,
publicly available maps like Google’s very attractive, if not any more
K Why Nicaragua chose to use a Google Map
to justify military actions along a tense border is something for the geopolicy
wonks to debate. Regardless, the incident embodies the changing nature and
impact of cartography in a rapidly digitising environment. After all, borders
are nothing more than imaginary lines enforced by mutual agreement. Cartography
is inexact enough already, and the blurring line between ’official’ cartography
and commercial maps rich in content but low in complexity further compounds that
lack of concreteness.
L That’s not to say commercial maps
don’t carry tremendous value. Their accessibility has revolutionised the way
people use maps, particularly as they pertain to commerce. The economic
importance of being ’on the map’ may not be outwardly apparent, but consider the
case of Sunrise, Fla.; the community of 90,000 has inexplicably disappeared from
Google Maps three times since August of last year. During these ’blackouts’,
local businesses reported flattening commerce as new customers couldn’t locate
them. Online orders ground to a halt for some businesses. After all, how would
anyone find a florist or automotive shop that’s not searchable When Sunrise
disappeared from Google Maps, it might as well have disappeared
M So what makes a real map in the 21st
century Some would argue that the musty old analogue maps tucked into national
archives around the world are still the real deal, invested with the authority
of governments. But if asked which is more important to their everyday lives,
the citizens of Sunrise, Fla., might argue that commercial maps, regardless of
inaccuracies or oversimplifications, represent a far greater social and economic
utility. To the average person, commercial maps like those compiled by Google,
Bing, or Yahoo have become at least as equally important as their ’official’
counterparts.the explanation that Google gives to the Nicaragua affair
[判断题]腕臂支柱的装配要根据设计图纸的要求。 ( )
A. 津不化气
B. 气不化津
C. 气不摄津
D. 津停气阻
E. 气随津脱
A. 水泥
B. 石灰
C. 石膏
D. 混凝土
E. 粉煤灰
A. 血糖>11.2mmol/L
B. 有腹膜刺激征,Grey-Turner征或Cullen征
C. 血钙显著下降2mmol/L以下
D. 临床表现出现休克症状
E. 尿淀粉酶突然下降
[单项选择]当国民收入在乘数和加速数的作用下趋于下降时,其减少将受到下述哪项因素而放慢( )
A. 失业增加
B. 边际消费倾向下降
C. 加速系数上升
D. 总投资降为零
[多选题]智能型水质分析仪可对( )进行定性分析。
[单选题] ( )的作用是利用阀芯和阀体间相对位置的改变,来控制油液流动方向
A. 溢流阀
B. 换向阀
C. 单向阀
D. 节流阀
[单项选择]根据调查,我国城市居民日平均出行次数为( )次/人。
A. 1.0~1.5
B. 1.5~2.5
C. 2.4~3.0
D. 3.0~4.0
[判断题]金融机构接到行政机关依法作出划拨存款、汇款的决定后,应当立即划拨。( )
[单选题]《山东省生产安全事故应急办法》,其他生产经营单位应当( )对所有专项应急预案至少组织1次演练。
[多选题]事故列车位于城市高架桥上,优先利用( )进行灭火。
A. 1至2
B. 2至4
C. 3至5
A. 成反比速度平方成正比
B. 成正比速度平方成正比
C. 成反比速度成正比
D. 成正比速度成正比
[多选题]徐某收购一家夜总会,并组织20名失足妇女,专门从事卖淫。夜总会聘用李某对20名妇女统一管理、记账,聘用赵某负责当保镖,并每月给辖区派出所所长邓某2万元,让邓某不去夜总会检查。夜总会“生意”兴隆,在市局多次组织的检查中,由于邓某通风报信,夜总会每次都逃过公安机关检查。以下选项正确的是( ).
B. 李某和赵某构成协助组织卖淫罪
[单选题]ONU发生频繁UP/DOWN的原因不可能是 ( )
[判断题]高炉煤气是一种白色、无味、毒性很强的气体。( ) 。
A. 承包商可以要求业主提供资金安排计划
B. 接到工程开工通知的28天内,承包商应向工程师提交价格分解建议表
C. 第一份资金需求估价合同应在开工后28天内提交
D. 业主未按资金安排计划执行,承包商可提前21天以上通知业主
[判断题]换下的重伤和折断钢轨应有明显的标志防止再用。( )
D. 熔珠一般没有烟熏