NASA launched the first space mission
to Pluto yesterday as a powerful rocket hurled the New Horizons spacecraft on a
nine-year, three-billion-mile journey to the edge of the solar system As it soared toward a 2007 meeting with Jupiter, whose powerful gravitational field will shoot it on its way to Pluto. mission managers said radio communications confirmed that the 1,054-pound craft was in good health. The $700 million mission began when a Lockheed Martin Atlas 5 rocket rose from a launching pad at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 2 p.m., almost an hour later than planned because of low clouds that obscured a clear view of the flight path by tracking cameras. Less than an hour later, all three stages of the booster rocket worked as planned, and the spacecraft separated from them and sprinted away toward A. the first experiment on the way to the space run independently by students B. the first planetary experiment C. the first one of the seven experiments D. the first experiment that will not hibernate [多选题]根据《个人外汇管理办法实施细则》,直系亲属指( )。
A.父母 B.兄弟姐妹 C.子女 D.配偶 [判断题]升国旗时,在场的全体消防救援人员应当面向国旗立正,着制服的行举手礼,着便服的行注目礼。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CRH1A型动车组受电弓的型号是___。
A.DSA250 B.DAS250 C.DSA380 D.DAS380 [单项选择]3G目标网络中,实时计费批价功能由()系统完成。
A. OCS B. SCP C. ISMP D. HOTBILLING [填空题]为改变离心泵流量,最简单的措施是利用()调节。
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[单选题]脂肪族伯胺与亚硝酸反应放出( ),测量这种气体的体积从而计算伯氨基的量。
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A.重施基肥 B.只施追肥 C.只施基肥 D.基肥追施并重 [单选题]口笛信号发出连续短声,是要求列车做什么,
A.停车 B.注意行车 C.减速行车 [单选题]多形性低度恶性腺癌的病理学特点是( )
A.细胞多形性 B.细胞一致、结构多形和转移率低 C.细胞多形、结构一致和转移率低 D.细胞和结构多形,而恶性度低 E.低度恶性的多形性腺瘤 [单选题]食品采购要严格执行《食品卫生安全法》,把好( )关。
A.病从口入 B.祸从口出 C.食品卫生 D.食品安全 [多项选择]药学职业道德的作用有( )
A. 激励 B. 促进 C. 调节 D. 约束 E. 督促和启迪 [多项选择]实行浮动汇率制的特点有()。
A. 国际收支均衡的实现无需以牺牲国内经济为代价 B. 不影响本国货币政策的自主性 C. 有利于阻隔国外通货膨胀对本国的传播 D. 有利于国际贸易和投资的发展 [填空题]动车组在采用机车救援、无动力回送连挂机车或回送过渡车时,按动车组无动力回送作业办法进行( )。
A.代理付款行 B.法院 C.出票行 D.人民银行 [单选题]17岁的张某在商场买了一架价值为8000元的照相机,作为自己过18岁生日的纪念物品,一周后,张某满18周岁,此时该买卖合同的效力为( )
A.有效 B.无效 C.效力待定 D.可撤销 [填空题]产生职业病危害的单位,应当在醒目位置设置( ),公布本单位职业病防治的规章制度等内容。
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