[简答题]细胞应激( cellular stress)
[单选题]渣油加氢装置原料油滤后缓冲罐液控阀阀芯脱落将会造成( )
A.A、 滤前缓冲罐液位升高,滤后缓冲罐液位下降
B.B、 滤前缓冲罐液位下降,滤后缓冲罐液位升高
C.C、 滤前缓冲罐、滤后缓冲罐液位均升高
D.D、 滤前缓冲罐、滤后缓冲罐液位均下降
A. 肠麻痹,肠梗阻
B. 腹腔内感染
C. 急性尿潴留
D. 阑尾残端瘘
E. 腹腔内出血
[多选题] 监护人的职责是( )?
A. MT199
B. MT299
C. MT999
D. MT103
A. 5次以上
B. 8次以上
C. 10次以上
D. 15次以上
E. 20次以上
A. 玉屏风散合六味地黄丸
B. 附子理中汤合真武汤
C. 归芍地黄汤
D. 参芪地黄汤
E. 理中丸
[单选题]标定色谱仪所用的混合标准气,需要包含待分析的:( )
[单选题]为提⾼电容器的容量和减⼩体积,两电极之间介资采⽤电解资,这种电容器称为( ),使⽤时应注意电容器正、负的极性。
[单选题]根据环境影响评价工程师职业资格登记管理有关规定,下列说法中,正确的是( )。
[单选题]选择词语的正确词形( )。
[单选题]病室湿度过⾼时,病⼈表现为 ()
A. 闷热、难受
B. 呼吸道黏膜⼲燥、咽喉痛
C. ⾎压升⾼ 、头晕
D. 多汗、⾯⾊潮红
E. ⻝欲不振、疲倦
A. 降低存款准备金率
B. 增加政府购买支出
C. 减少个人所得税的征收
D. 尊重市场,不采取措施
[单项选择]超声可探测到,在尿路造影术或X线平片中看不到的肾结石是( )
A. 草酸钙结石
B. 胱氨酸、黄嘌呤结石
C. 磷酸盐结石
D. 尿酸结石
E. 以上都不是
[单选题] 电力网按供电范围的大小和电压高低可分为( )。
A. 当前正在执行指令的前一条指令的地址
B. 当前正在执行指令的地址
C. 当前正在执行指令的下一条指令的地址
D. 控制器中指令寄存器的地址
[判断题]施行感度保压试验时,须确认制动缸活塞行程符合规定。( )
[单项选择]按照我国相关规定,甲级工程造价咨询企业注册资本不少于人民币( )万元。
A. 50
B. 80
C. 100
D. 120
[多项选择]当安全阀进口和容器之间串联安装爆破片装置时,应满足的条件是( )。
A. 安全阀和爆破片装置组合的泄放能力应满足要求
B. 爆破片破裂后的泄放面积应不小于安全阀进口面积
C. 保证爆破片破裂的碎片不影响安全阀的正常动作
D. 爆破片装置与安全阀之间应装设排污管、排气孔和报警指示器,以检查爆破片是否破裂或渗漏
E. 爆破片的标定爆破压力不得小于容器的设计压力
[单选题]( )用以指示道路的方向、车行道的边界。
[判断题]通信站接地电阻不应大于10Ω。( )
A. 肺淋巴引流量增加
B. 心输出量减少
C. 肺毛细血管收缩
D. 尿量减少
E. 心钠素分泌量减少
A. Mn
B. Co
C. Ni
D. Fe
A. 动机和效果是人的行为的不可缺少的两大要素;
B. 动机论者认为行为动机是道德评价的根本;
C. 动机论的代表是康德;
D. 动机是激励行为的主观原因
[单项选择]Please read the passages and choose A, B, C or D to best complete the statements about them.
The Quiet Crisis
Close games for the Americans were rare in previous Olympics, but now it appears to be something the Americans should get used to.
You could find no better metaphor for the way the rest of the world can now compete head-to-head more effectively than ever with America than the struggles of the U. S. Olympic basketball team in 2004. The American team, made up of NBA stars, limped home to a bronze medal after losing to Puerto Rico, Lithuania, and Argentina. Previously, United States Olympic basketball team had lost only one game in the history of the modern Olympics. Remember when America sent only NCAA stars to the Olympic basketball events For a long time these teams totally dominated all corners. Then they started getting challenged. So we sent our pros. And they started getting challenged. Because the world keeps learning, the diffusion of knowledge happens faster; coaches in other countries now download American coaching methods off the Internet and watch NBA games in their own living rooms on satellite TV. Many of them can even get ESPN and watch the highlight reeds. And thank to the triple convergence, there is a lot of new raw talent walking onto the NBA courts from all over the world—including many new stars from China, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. They go back and play for their national teams in the Olympics, using the skills they honed in America. So the automatic American superiority of :wenty years ago is now gone in Olympic basketball. The NBA standard is increasingly becoming a global commodity—pure vanilla. If the United States wants to continue to dominate in Olympic basketball, we must, in that great sports cliche, step it up a notch. The old standard won"t do anymore. As Joel Cawley of IBM remarked to me, "
Star for star
, the basketball teams from places like Lithuania or Puerto Rico still don"t rank well versus the Americans, but when they play as a team—when they collaborate better than we do, they are extremely competitive."
There is something about post-World War II America that reminds me of the classic wealthy family that by the third generation starts to squander its wealth. The members of the first generation are nose-to-the-grindstone innovators, the second generation holds it all together then their kids come along and get fat, dumb, and lazy and slowly squander it all. I know that is both overly harsh and a gross generalization, but there is, nevertheless, some truth in it. American society started to coast in the 1990s, when our third postwar generation came of age. The dot-com boom left too many people with the impression that they could get rich without investing in hard work. All it look was an MBA and a quick IPO, or one NBA contract, and you were set form life. But while we were admiring the flat world we had created, a lot of people in India, China, and Eastern Europe were busy figuring out how to take advantage of it. Lucky for us, we were the only economy standing after World War II, and we had no serious competition for forty years. That gave us a huge head of steam but also a huge sense of entitlement and complacency—not to mention a certain tendency in recent years to extol consumption over hard work, investment, and long-term thinking. When we got hit with 9/11, it was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to summon the nation to sacrifice, to address some of its pressing fiscal, energy, science, and education shortfalls—all the things that we had let slide. But our president did not summon us to sacrifice. He summoned us to go shopping.
The truth is, we are in a crisis now, but it is a crisis that is unfolding very slowly and very quietly. It is a quiet crisis and this quiet crisis involves the steady erosion of America"s scientific and engineering base, which has always been the source of American innovation and our rising standard of living.
"The sky is not falling, nothing horrible is going to happen today," said Jackson, a physicist by training who chooses her words carefully. "The U. S. is still the leading engine for innovation in the world. It has the best graduate programs, the best scientific infrastructure, and the capital markets to exploit it. But there is a quiet crisis in U. S. science and technology that we have to wake up to. The U. S. today is in a truly global environment, and those competitor countries are not only wide awake, they are running a marathon while we are running sprints. If left unchecked, this could challenge our preeminence and capacity to innovate."
And it is our ability to constantly innovate new products, services, and companies that has been the source of American"s horn of plenty and steadily widening middle class for the last two centuries. It was American innovators who started Google, Intel, HP, Dell Microsoft, and Cisco, and it matters where innovation happens. The fact that all these companies are headquartered in America means that most of the high-paying jobs are here, even if these companies outsource or offshore some functions. The executives, the department heads, the sales force, and the senior researchers are all located in the cities where the innovation happened. And their jobs create more jobs. The shrinking of the pool of young people with the knowledge skills to innovate won"t shrink our standard of living overnight. It will be felt only in fifteen or twenty years, when we discover we have a critical shortage of scientists and engineers capable of doing innovation or even just high-value-added technology work. Then this won"t be a quiet crisis anymore, said Jackson, "it will be the real McCoy."
Today Americans are feeling the gradual and subtle effects of globalization that challenge the economic and strategic leadership that the United States has enjoyed since World War II. A substantial portion of our work-force finds itself in direct competition for jobs with lower-wage workers around the globe, and leading-edge scientific and engineering work is being accomplished in many parts of the world. Thanks to globalization, driven by modern communications and other advances, workers in virtually every sector must now face competitors who live just a mouse-click away in Ireland, Finland, China, India, or dozens of other nations whose economies are growing. This has been aptly referred to as "
the Death of Distance
Star for star
, the basketball teams from places like Lithuania or Puerto Rico still don"t rank well versus the Americans, but when they play as a team—when they collaborate better than we do— they are extremely competitive". In this sentence, "Star for star..." means______.
A. when one team plays against another
B. the place of the stars in a team
C. the time the star is on the court
D. when individual players of the teams are playing against each other
[判断题]列车和车辆控制分为列车控制级、车辆控制级与子系统控制级三级(包括电源、车门控制、辅助交流系统控制、乘客信息系统等)各控制级均具有冗余结构( )