Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text 1 Last November, engineers in the healthcare division of GE unveiled something called the "Light Speed VCT", a scanner that can create a startlingly good three-dimensional image of a beating heart. This spring Staples, an American office-supplies retailer, will stock its shelves with a gadget called a "wordlock", a padlock that uses words instead of numbers. The connection In each case, the firm’s customers have played a big part in designing the product. How does innovation happen The familiar story involves scientist in academic institutes and R&D labs. But lately, corporate practice has begun to challenge this old, fashioned notion. Open source software development is already well-known. Less so is the fact that Bell, an American bicycl
A. the evolution of sporting equipment.
B. the development of Internet technology.
C. the motivation of making money.
D. people's advocacy of innovation.
It was a cold winter, and Mrs. Smith
wanted to do some{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. So she waited until it was Saturday,
when her husband was free. She took him{{U}} (42) {{/U}}the shops with
her and let him{{U}} (43) {{/U}}for everything and carry her bags. They
went to{{U}} (44) {{/U}}shops, and Mrs. Smith bought a lot of things.
She often said, "Look, my dear! Isn’t that beautiful!" He then answered, "All
right, dear. How much is it " and took his money{{U}} (45) {{/U}}to pay
for it. It was dark when they came out of the last{{U}} (46) {{/U}}. Mr. Smith was tired and thinking about{{U}} (47) {{/U}}things. He wanted a nice meal and drank by the side of a warm fire{{U}} (48) {{/U}}home! Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said, "Look at{{U}} (49) {{/U}}beautiful moon, my dear!" [不定项选择题]A.VP方案
A.HOAP方案 B.白消安 C.丙酸睾酮 D.硫酸亚铁 E.急淋白血病治疗选用的是( ) [单项选择]治疗急性排斥反应首选的方法是( )
A. 抗淋巴细胞球蛋白 B. 抗胸腺细胞球蛋白 C. 甲基泼尼松龙静脉冲击疗法 D. 血浆置换术 E. 手术切除 [判断题]菱形挂篮必须在立柱和后斜杆上均设计横向连接系,且横向连接系必须与主桁结构焊接或螺栓连接牢固,严禁采取钢筋栓捆等非固结的连接方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]有一OBA2220,其中22,20表示的意义分别是:22表示(),20表示()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]致力于改善矫正对象偏差心理和行为的社会工作方法不包括( )。
A. 人本治疗模式 B. 行为治疗模式 C. 心理社会治疗模式 D. 社会工作研究模式 [单选题]我国是最早观测记录哈雷彗星的国家。从公元前240年起,哈雷彗星的每次出现,中国都有记录。中国最早一次记录文献是在( )
A.《春秋》 B.《史记》 C.《淮南子·兵略训》 D.《汉书》 [单选题]根据《国际航行船舶出入境检验检疫管理办法》规定,船方或者其代理人应当在船舶预计抵达口岸_____前(航程不足____的,在驶离上一口岸时)向海关申报,填报入境检疫申报书。
A.24小时;12小时 B.12小时;24小时 C.24小时;24小时 D.12小时;12小时 [单选题] 《安全生产法》(2021年修订)第七条规定,( )依法组织职工参加本单位安全生产工作的民主管理和民主监督,维护职工在安全生产方面的合法权益。
A.安全生产监督管理部门 B.生产经营单位 C.安全生产中介机构 D.工会 [单选题]中国铁路总公司客运部关于修订《关于旅客列车配置客运设备充电接线板的通知》的通知规定:旅客列车使用接线板充电期间,应加强巡视检查,巡视检查每( )小时不少于1次。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]职业卫生的原则中,( )是从根本上杜绝职业危害因素对人的作用。
A.第一级预防 B.第二级预防 C.第三级预防 [判断题]【Programmable Logical Controller】简称PLC,也称可编程序控制器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]复利的计息次数增加,其现值( )。
A. 不变 B. 增大 C. 减小 D. 呈正向变化 [多项选择]下列观点属于唯心主义的有()
A. 形存则神存,形灭则神灭 B. 认识不仅反映世界,而且创造世界 C. 经验是认识真理性的最终判断标准 D. 吾心便是宇宙,宇宙便是吾心 [判断题]中华人民共和国畜牧法》所称种畜禽,是指经过选育、具有种用价值、适于繁殖后代的畜禽及其卵子(蛋)、精液等。
[判断题] 不允许使用可拆卸号牌架和可翻转号牌架。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]变压器并列运行的条件( )
A.接线组别相同 B.变比相同 C.短路电压相等 D.三相电压相序相同 [判断题]隔离开关可以切无故障电流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]已知甲药的疗效不会低于乙药,检验的目的是为了得出甲药的疗效是否 明显地优于乙药,此时应选用
A. t 检验 B. 单侧检验 C. 卡方检验 D. 双侧检验 E. Z 检验 [单选题]ETC出口费显显示“标签已过期请走人工车道”,应如何处理。
A.手持机读取标签信息放行 B.记录后直接放行 C.混合车道ETC特情操作放行 D.混合车道MTC特情操作放行 我来回答: 提交