In spite of "endless talk of
difference", American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people.
There is "the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and the
casualness and absence of consumption" launched by the 19th century department
stores that offered "vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere". Instead of
intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite, these were stores "anyone
could enter, regardless of class or background. This turned shopping into a
public and democratic act". The mass media, advertising and sports are other
forces for homogenization. Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous. Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today’s immigration is neither at unprecedented level nor resistant to assimi A. rewarding B. successful C. fruitless D. harmful [单项选择]下列不属于数据报工作方式特点的是( )。
A. 同一报文的不同分组可以经过不同的传输路径通过通信子网 B. 每个分组在传输过程中必须携带目的地址和源地址 C. 同一报文的不同分组到达目的结点时可能出现乱序、重复和丢失现象 D. 在每次分组传输之前,需要在源主机和目的主机之间建立一条线路连接 [单选题]( )及以上业扩工程,应成立启动委员会,制定启动方案并按规定执行。
A.10kV B.20kV C.35kV D.66kV [单选题]在汽车没有发生碰撞的情况下,安全气囊的使用年限一般是( )年。
A.5~6 B.15~20 C.7~15 D.9~10 [填空题]CRH2A型动车组显示器的( )模式是检修车辆用或车上试验用的动作模式。
[多选题]在转动部分附近使用梯子时,为了避免机械转动部分突然卷住作业人员的衣服,可以在梯子与机械转动部分之间临时设置的防护设施是( )
A.薄板 B.金属网 C.标示牌 D.安全带 [单选题](单选题,1 分)
改革开放以后,我国农村的集体所有制经济普遍采用的经营体制是( ) A.三级所有,队为基础 B.集体劳动,集中经营 C.家庭承包经营,双层经营 D.家庭分散经营 [简答题]1918年,蔡元培在《新教育与旧教育之歧点》-文中指出:“夫新教育所以异于旧教育者,有一要点焉,即教育者非以吾人教育儿童,而吾人受教于儿童之谓也。吾国之旧教育以养成科名仕宦之材为目的,……是教育者预定一目的,而强受教者以就之;……新教育则否,在深知儿童身心发达之程序,而择种种适当之方法以助之。” 请回答: (1)蔡元培所说的“教育者非以吾人教育儿童,而吾人受教于儿童之谓也”,反映了什么样的教育观念? (2)试从学校制度、教学内容和教学方法三个方面,说明蔡元培所说的“新教育”在20世纪20年代前后中国教育变革中的表现。
[单项选择]In the college-admissions wars, we parents are the true gladiators. We’re pushing our kids to get good grades, take SAT prep courses and build resumes so they can get’ into the college of our first choice. We say our motives are selfless and sensible. A degree from Stanford or Princeton is the ticket for life. If Aaron and Nicole don’t get in, they’ re forever doomed Gosh, we’re delusional.
I’ve twice been to the wars, and as I survey the battlefield, something different is happening. It’s one-upmanship among parents. We see our kids’ college pedigrees as trophies attesting to how well or how poorly we’ve raised them. But we can’t acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them. So we’ve contrived various justifications that turn out to be half-truths, prejudices or myths. It actually doesn’t matter much whether Aaron and Nicole go to Stanford. Admissions anxiety afflicts only a minority of parents. It’s true that getting into college has generally become tougher be A. American youth have fewer choices but to go to elite schools B. the competition for elite schools is fiercer in the United States C. the parents should not put too much pressure on their children D. the children’s future will be bleak without going to elite schools [单选题]接触器具有( )保护功能。
A. 失压 B. 过载 C. 缺相 D. 短路 [判断题]出卖合同是出卖人转移标的物的所有权于买受人,买受人支付价款的合同。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]钢丝绳的安全系数是( )。
A.钢丝绳破断拉力与允许拉力的比 B.钢丝绳允许拉力与破断拉力的比 C.钢丝的破断拉力与允许拉力的比 D.随意定 [多选题]PID变型控制包含( )
A.PI、PD控制 B.比例PID控制 C.不完全微分控制 D.带死区的PID控制 [填空题]5S指的是:( )
[单选题]《列车服务质量规范》中,发现行为、神情异常旅客时,重点关注,配备乘警的列车通知( )到场处理;未配备乘警的列车由( )处理,情形严重时交列车运行前方停车站处理。
A.列车长;列车长 B.乘警;乘警 C.乘警;列车长 D.列车长;乘警 [单项选择]下列表现提示膀胱破裂的是()
A. 有尿意但不能排尿而膀胱空虚 B. 尿频、尿痛 C. 排尿突然中断 D. 完全性尿失禁 E. 导尿管不易插入 [单选题]闭塞法原则上不使用( )办法,如必须使用时,由铁路局规定。
A.基本闭塞 B.电话闭塞 C.隔时续行 D.代用闭塞 [名词解释]国内支持政策
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]篦冷机可分为()、振动式和回转式三种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《行政处罚法》,对消防救援机构办案人员当场作出处罚决定的,表述错误的是( )。
A.应当告知听证权利 B.应当填写预定格式、编号的行政处罚决定书 C.当场处罚决定书由执法人员签名或盖章 D.行政处罚决定书当场交付当事人 [单选题]关于卒中患者良肢位描述错误的是( )
A.鼓励患侧卧位 B.适当健侧卧位 C.尽可能采用仰卧位 D.应尽量避免半卧位 我来回答: 提交