Energy Crisis{{/B}} One key question for the next century is how we provide energy in an environmentally sound way. As living standards rise in the developing world, energy consumption will increase. As a result, many countries are now opening the door for private investment in a sector that used once to be solely the preserve of government. In the developed world, the move is towards the deregulation and privatization of electricity generation and distribution. There is also a trend towards locally-generated energy, particularly in the developing world. Factories and shopping centers may one day have their own power sources. Progress is also being made in minimizing the environmental impact of energy production and consumption. A A. How to save as much energy as possible. B. How to restrict the use of nuclear energy. C. How to provide energy in an environmentally sound way. D. How to get alternative way to motor cars. [单选题]支付系统行号由多少位组成()。
A.8 B.10 C.12 D.15 [单选题]擅自离队、旷工或者无故逾假不归,( )日以内的,予以警告。( )
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [多选题]因新疆电网与地区间联络线停运,造成地区电网与新疆电网分列运行时,原则上在地区电网内运行容量最大的发电厂为所在地区电网的第一调频厂,负责地区电网的频率调整。分列片区的总装机容量在3000MW及以上时,频率按( )控制及考核;分列片区的总装机容量在3000MW以下时,频率按( )控制及考核。
A.A.50.00Hz B.B.50±0.10Hz C.C.50±0.20Hz D.D.50±0.50Hz [单项选择]
It is often difficult for a man to be quite sure what tax (税) he ought to pay to the government because it depends on so many different things: whether the man is married; how many children he has; whether he supports any relations; how much he earns; how much interest he receives; how much he has spent on his house during the year; and so on and so forth. All this makes it difficult to decide exactly how much the tax is. [单项选择]Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行星) now, one might crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it, say some scientists.
Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids (流星) that race across the night sky. Most orbit the sun far from Earth and don’’t threaten us. But there are also thousands whose orbits put them on a collision course with Earth.
Buy $ 40 million worth of new telescopes right now. Then spend $ 10 million a year for the next 25 years to locate most of the space rocks. By the time we spot a fatal one, the scientists say, we’’ll have a way to change its course.
Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldn’’t be cheap.
Is it worth it Two things experts consider when judging any risk are: 1) How likely the event is; and 2) How bad the consequences if the event occurs. Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 400,000 years. Sounds pretty
A. It is very unlikely, but the danger exists., B. Such a collision might occur once every 25 years. C. Collisions of smaller asteroids with Earth occur more often than expected. D. It’s still too early to say whether such a collision might occur. [单选题]并联通风网络的总风压和分风压的关系是( )。
A.相等 B.总风压等于分风压之和 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单项选择]关于2型糖尿病的康复治疗方案,说法错误的是()。
A. 每次运动时间一般在10分钟以上,逐步延长至30~40分钟 B. 运动疗法以低至中等强度有氧训练为主 C. 严格注意无糖饮食,注意保持适当的营养平衡 D. 通常使用胰岛素治疗 E. 严重者可以使用胰岛素治疗 [单选题]塔式起重机工作时,司机室的噪声不得超过( )。
A.75dB(A) B.80dB(A) C.85dB(A) D.90dB(A) [判断题]速度密度方式利用空气流量传感器直接测量吸入的空气量,ECU根据测得的空气流量和发动机转速计算出需要喷射的汽油量并控制喷油器工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]全科医疗健康档案与其他专科病历中的相似之处在于
A. 对患者基础资料记录的全面性和详实性 B. 记录的形式 C. 对健康问题记录的连续性 D. 临床体征的描述 E. 对患者健康问题的处理计划 [单选题]充换电设施接入公共电网,公共连接点的电压偏差应满足GB/T 12325的规定,10(20)kV及以下三相公共连接点电压偏差不超过标称电压的( )。
A.﹢7%与﹣10%。 B.±7% C.﹢10%与﹣7%。 D.±10% 我来回答: 提交