Too Many Cars {{/B}} Everyone agrees that there are simply too many cars on the read but who will be the first to stop using theirs Although everyone hates being stuck in traffic, no-one sees their cars as part of the growing problem. However, with traffic growth of up to 84 per cent expected by 2031 and the ever-increasing cost of accidents and delays already at $160bn in Europe, there is a growing need to change our ’car culture’ and develop alternative forms of transport as quickly as possible. One answer is to make cars more expansive by incre [单项选择]患者,男性,28岁,右大腿下端肿痛3月余,摄片见股骨下端有境界不清的骨质破坏区,骨膜增生及放射状阴影,两端可见骨膜三角,最可能的诊断是()
A. 骨结核 B. 骨髓炎 C. 骨肉瘤 D. 骨巨细胞瘤 E. 骨软骨瘤 [单选题]A.大窗口或柜台式发药
A.集中调剂 B.协定处方 C.单元调剂 D.单剂量配发药品 E.住院药房的管理实行 [单项选择]将一份问卷对同一个调查对象的反复测量,是在检验问卷
A. 效度 B. 信度 C. 可行性 D. 真实性 E. 是否有逻辑错误 [填空题]
·Read the text below about computer trends. ·For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. {{B}}COMPUTER TRENDS{{/B}}
When analysing the computer market worldwide it is useful is distinguish{{U}} (31) {{/U}}sales of desktop computers and portable laptop models. The major manufacturers perform very differently{{U}} (32) {{/U}}different areas of the market; for example, A.B.I. , the worldwide brand leader in desktop computers, ranks only fourth in laptop computer sales and has captured only nineteen per cent of the European market. The Grown Corporation has succeeded in penetrating the difficult European market and now has a twenty-one per cent market share; in worldwide sales, however, Crown ranks second in laptop models{{U}} (33) {{/U}}fourth in desktops. {{B}} Beginner’s luck{{/B}} A recent arrival{{U}} (34) {{/U}}the scene, Unitec, has won a twenty-eight per cent slice of [单项选择]肠病性肢端皮炎的发病年龄为()
A. 出生后4~6周 B. 断奶后4~6周 C. 出生后4~6个月 D. 断奶后4~6个月 E. 1岁以后 [判断题]判断题】当建设设备管理等单位移交的地下管线资料中,与项目部探查的地下管线不一致时,应以移交资料为准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3分钟后,10kV九曲六线10开关、九曲七线11开关过流一段跳闸,则此时说明了( )。
A.10kV母线保护异常 B.10kV九曲六线10开关误跳 C.系统发生单相两点接地故障 D.系统不同相相继发生两点接地故障 [单选题]边墙型喷头两侧()m和前方()m的范围内,以及顶板或吊顶下不得有阻挡喷水的障碍物。
A.1,2 B.2,3 C.1.5,3 D.2.5.5 [单选题]我国纪念世界反法西斯战争暨中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年大阅兵的时间是()。
A. 2013年7月7日 B. 2014年10月1日 C. 2015年9月3日 D. 2016年9月3日 [单项选择]2009年11月,中国政府正式对外宣布了二氧化碳减排目标:到2020年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降,并纳入国家中长期发展规划。()
A. 20%-30% B. 40%-45% C. 50%-60% [填空题]与载体相比,通道转运的特异性高。( )
A.一个 B.二个 C.三个 D.四个 [单选题]影响液压泵容积效率下降的主要原因 :( )
A. 工作压力 B. 内摩擦力 C. 工作腔容积变化量 D.内泄漏 我来回答: 提交