When does history begin It is tempting
to reply ’hi the beginning", but like many obvious answers, this soon turns out
to be unhelpful. As a great Swiss historian once pointed out in another
connection, history is the one subject where you cannot begin at the beginning,
ff we want to, we can trace the chain of human descent back to the appearance of
vertebrates, or even to the photosynthetic cells which lie at the start of life
itself. We can go back further still, to almost unimaginable upheavals which
formed this planet and even to the origins of the universe. Yet this is not
"history". Commonsense helps here: history is the story of mankind, of what it has done, suffered or enjoyed. We all know that dogs and cats do not have histories, while human beings do. Even when historians write about a natural process beyond human A. it is one part of human history. B. it should be included in the history of the universe. C. it can partly explain the way of life of the people in the past. D. it decided the human history. [多选题]绝缘材料吸收水分后(____)。
A.绝缘电阻降低 B.介质损耗增大 C.绝缘强度降低 D.介质损耗减小 [判断题]旅客无票乘车,不能判明乘车站时,应按旅客提供的乘车站起补票。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]补命门火
[单选题]104型分配阀充气时,主阀作用部排气口漏泄是因为( )。
A.充气止回阀被粘住 B.滑阀研磨不好,与滑阀座接触不良 C.主阀作用阀弹簧太弱 D.主阀作用密封圈漏 [单选题]按照TSG 08-2017《特种设备使用管理规则》要求,不予登记的,出具不予登记的决定,并且( )告知不予登记的理由。
A.不需要 B.口头 C.书面 D.以上都不是 [判断题]正投影的投影图能表达物体的真是形态。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]BF001潜油电泵机组由( )大部分、七大件组成。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单选题]两个发动机防冰按钮均在开位时,EPR限制是否改变?
A.是 B.否 [填空题]标准机柜外型有宽度、 、深度3个参数。
[单选题]防止高空摔跌、砸、碰伤事故,( )上下投掷工具或材料
A.允许 B.可以 C.禁止 D.随意 [多选题]下列哪些属于保证安全的技术措施:()
A.验电 B.悬挂标示牌 C.装设接地线 D.操作票制度 E.工作监护制度 [单选题]适用于深度冷冻.介质温度范围在-60- -250°C的调节阀的上阀盖应选()°
A.普通型 B.散(吸)热型 C.长颈型 D.波纹管密封型 [单项选择]薪酬体系设计的基本步骤中,第一步是()。
A. 薪酬调查 B. 职位评价 C. 薪酬定位 D. 职位分析 我来回答: 提交