With the spread of inter-active electronic media a man alone in his own home will never have been so well placed to fill the inexplicable mental space between cradle and crematorium. So I suspect that books will be pushed more and more into those moments of travel or difficult defecation (1) people still don’t quite know what to do with.
When people do read, I think they’ll want to feel they are reading literature, or (2) something serious. (3) you’re going to find fewer books presenting themselves as no-nonsense and (4) assuming literary pretensions and being packaged as works of art. We can expect an extraordinary variety of genre, but with an underlying (5) of sentiment and vision.
Translators can only (6) from this desire for the presumably sophisticated. We can look forward to lots of difficult names and fantastic stories of foreign parts enthusiastically (7) by the overall worship of the "globa
A. always
B. never
C. seldom
D. hardly
Fish farming in the desert may at first
sound like an anomaly, but in Israel over the last decade a scientific hunch has
turned into a bustling business. Scientists here say they realized they were no to something when they found that brackish water drilled from underground desert aquifers (含土水层) hundreds of feet deep could be used to raise warm-water fish. The geothermal water, less than one-tenth as saline as sea water, free of pollutants and a toasty 98 degrees on average, proved an ideal match. "It was not simple to convince people that growing fish in the desert makes sense," said Samuel Appelbaum, a professor and fish biologist at the Jacob A. The history offish farming in desert in Israel can be traced back to the 1920’s. B. Fish farming in desert may to harm to the environment. C. Fish farming in desert may not be sustainable in the long term. D. Fish farming in desert is more advantageous than that in ocean areas. [单选题]电场强度反映电场的力的特征,电位反映电场的能的特征,电压反映电场力做功的能力。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [判断题]检查绝缘子连接部位:绝缘子各连接金属销应无脱落、锈蚀,钢帽、钢脚有无偏斜、裂纹、变形或锈蚀现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )管理包括资料收集、整理、完善、录入、保管、备份、借用、销毁等工作。
A.档案资料 B.工程资料 C.运维资料 D.检修资料 [填空题]普速铁路V形停电作业,在电分段、软横跨等处作业,中性区及一旦断开开关有可能成为中性区的停电设备上均应接地线,但当中性区长度小于<--NRC-->m时,在与接地设备等电位后可不接地线。
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