Benchmarking{{/B}} The expression benchmarking has become one of the fashionable words in current management discussion. The {{U}} (19) {{/U}} first appeared in the United States in the 1970s, but has now {{U}} (20) {{/U}} world-wide recognition. But what {{U}} (21) {{/U}} does it mean and should your company be practicing it Benchmarking {{U}} (22) {{/U}} learning about your own practices, learning about the best practices of others, and then making {{U}} (23) {{/U}} for improvement that will enable you to meet or beat the beast A. term B. definition C. contract D. system [名词解释]混凝土的流动性
[多选题]下列具有强抗炎作用的药物有( )
A.阿司匹林 B.保泰松 C.吲哚美辛 D.对乙酰氨基酚 E.布洛芬 [判断题]根据《营销现场作业安全工作规程(试行)》,特种作业人员应按照国家规定的培训大纲,接受与本工种相适应的的安全技术培训,经考核合格取得《特种作业操作证》,并经本单位书面批准后,方可参加相应的作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]施工计划开始时间前,施工负责人凭施工作业令及相关证件到 、 、 、 等场所办理施工登记手续。
知识点: [单选题]根据《党政机关公文处理工作条例》的相关规定,民族自治地方的公文,()。
A.应使用汉字 B.可以并用汉字和当地通用的少数民族文字 C.应采用当地通用的少数民族文字,以体现尊重 D.应以汉字或当地通用的少数民族文字中的一种为主 [简答题]简述职业心理测试的种类。
A. 制止 B. 上报 C. 拍照 D. 控诉 [单选题]俗话说的"想吃粥,又怕烫"是指动机冲突中的 ( )。
A. 双趋冲突 B. 双避冲突 C. 趋避冲突 D. 多重趋避冲突 E. 两难冲突 [判断题]期货交易所是专门进行期货合约买卖的场所,是期货市场的核心。()
[填空题] Beijing: The United States and North Korea had their first ________in four months here this afternoon as part of the ________negotiations on how to end North Korea’’s nuclear program, but diplomats played down prospects for________.
James A. Kelly, assistant________, and Kim Yong II, North Korea’’s deputy foreign minister, met ________of formal discussions, ________on direct dialogue that began after a stormy meeting ________in which North Korea warned that it was moving quickly to ________nuclear arms.
The Bush administration had insisted ________that it would only hold talks with North Korea ________because, it argued, only ________pressure would persuade North Korea to________. It got its way when North Korea dropped its insistence on ________and agreed, after extensive efforts by China, to hold unusual simultaneous negotiations with ________,________,________and ________as well as the United States.
Though Bush administration officials had not ________talking pri
[单选题] 康明斯发电车中,交流燃油泵电路中的热保护继电器的整定值为( )。
A. 1A B. 2A C. 3A D. 4A [判断题]远期汇票都可以在贴现市场上贴现,提前融通资金。
[单选题]按照《汽车客运站安全生产规范》规定,汽车客运站的主要负责人对本单位安全生产职责不包括( )。
A. 建立健全本单位安全生产责任制,组织制定本单位安全生产规章制度和操作规程 B. 督促、检查本单位安全生产工作,及时消除生产安全事故隐患 C. 拟订本单位安全生产投入计划 D. 组织制定并实施本单位安全生产教育培训计划 [判断题]暂态地电压检测中,当某一开关柜个体检测结果大于其他同类开关柜的检测结果和环境背景值时,则可推断该设备存在缺陷
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]黄色有色璃镜片的特点和用途是( )。
A.特点均匀吸收光谱线、吸收紫外线、红外线,用途是太阳镜、驾驶员配戴 B.特点吸收紫外线、红外线,用途是护目镜(气焊、电焊、氩弧焊) C.特点吸收紫外线,用途是夜视镜或驾驶员阴雨、雾天配戴 D.特点防荧光刺眼,用途是护目镜(医务X光) [单项选择]我国观日落最佳之处是()。
A. 庐山天池亭 B. 华山东峰 C. 九华山天台峰 D. 钱塘江初阳台 我来回答: 提交